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Author Topic: 50 Hours of Bug Notes  (Read 5309 times)

Offline Samuel

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50 Hours of Bug Notes
« on: August 11, 2010, 04:04:52 pm »
Hey Gents,

I gave the game a good 55 hours over the last couple of weeks and I wanted to pass on the bugs I'd observed while doing so. I was running version 2.3.1 downloaded directly from this outfit on windows vista.

1) I filled the alien containment in my first base. I built an alien containment in a second base. At the conclusion of the mission, a dialogue would ask which of the two containments I wanted to send the captives to, Phalanx America (full) or Phalanx Oceania (empty). I would select Phalanx Oceania. I would then get the message "Transport mission to Phalanx America started" and the captives would never arrive at Phalanx Oceania. I did this repeatedly so as to verify it wasn't working.

2) The soundtrack is great and varied. However, during a mission, the sountrack keeps playing only one track over and over, not changing the tune. So, despite the good music available, I wound up turning the music off. There needs to be a way to cycle the music other than going to the ESC menu then continuing to randomize the tune.

3) Map "italy" crashes from it's loading screen back to the geoscape screen without ever showing you the battleground or letting you move. I sent multiple dropships and attempted multiple times to begin the mission to confirm this.

4) Tinkering with your inventory in the battlescape crashes you back to geoscape. It happened when I would take an item from the ground and try to put it in my backpack such that it overlapped an item already in my backpack. The specific items I used were a medkit and a plasma blaster and a heavy laser and a d-f magazine. This caused the battle to crash back to geoscape with an "no room in inventory message. After reproducing it,  I avoided it in the future by carefully arranging cargo and never overlapping items.

5) Occasionally the green box you place to direct your movement turns blue over areas that you should be able to walk to or through. I noticed this most on squares through which four or more of my troops had already passed during the current round. For example, when disembarking at the "big city" map, your troops must move through a small gap in a concrete roadway lane barrier to charge the building. This gap eventually blues out, though you can still move through it by moving right up to it, moving onto it, and then moving away from it with three separate movement commands. I also noticed this occuring at the brick building single square doorways of industrial maps.

Don't mean any of the above to sound like complaints. I knew what I was getting into, and appreciate the effort you guys are taking to keep a great game genera alive. I'm not a programmer, but I am a retired military officer and writer, so if you guys need game text for techs or plot development, let me know.


Offline Mattn

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Re: 50 Hours of Bug Notes
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2010, 04:18:36 pm »
hi Samuel,

thanks for the detailed bugreports. i'm especially interested in point number 4

could you maybe try to produce a video of this? we are searching a long time already for this "No free inventory space" bug - see

I wasn't able to reproduce this with the steps you wrote down here


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Re: 50 Hours of Bug Notes
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2010, 04:21:50 pm »
i would be interest in what you mean with "overlapping" - as placing items into already occupied slots shouldn't be possible at all.

Offline geever

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Re: 50 Hours of Bug Notes
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2010, 04:55:40 pm »
1) I filled the alien containment in my first base. I built an alien containment in a second base. At the conclusion of the mission, a dialogue would ask which of the two containments I wanted to send the captives to, Phalanx America (full) or Phalanx Oceania (empty). I would select Phalanx Oceania. I would then get the message "Transport mission to Phalanx America started" and the captives would never arrive at Phalanx Oceania. I did this repeatedly so as to verify it wasn't working.

Could you upload a savegame for this? This should be fixed by now - I got a patch about it -, and I wanna confirm.

Btw. Does it really say it transfer aliens to the other base, not that you selected, or just missed it here?


Offline Viddar

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Re: 50 Hours of Bug Notes
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2010, 12:06:00 pm »
I tried to duplicate the failed alien transfer to no avail. In regards to that, I never received the full containment, which base would you like to send them too message. They would haul the captives back to base with its full containment and... Put them outside and told them to stay out of trouble? Turned them loose in the political theatre? Quietly offed them and sold the meat on the black market? Your guess would be as good as mine. Quite possible they died and got added to the pile of corpses without my noticing. I was not checking the corpse count before and after. However, I did get a similar message asking which base I wanted to send the corpses too if I launched a ground assault from a base without a containment unit. Corpses were delivered just fine.

On a similar note, I was forced to alter the flight path of the drop ship on its way home to avoid a tangle with a fighter. Apparently the pilot saw fit to dump all cargo to expedite the course change. When the drop ship returned to base there was nothing on board. No alien weapons. No corpses. No live mechanical spider which I had just seen for the first time. Nothing.

So after the freaky misplaced mechanical spider incident... One of my bases was assaulted. Base 5, S. Africa. However, it looked like just a regular terror site so I launched an intercept from another base. It was not until I was getting ready to deploy I noticed the heading said Base Attack. Looking at the map it was North-East of Base 5. Did the attack, and walked away with a new needler gun and particle pistol. Several combats later I noticed the red ring around that base. Looking into it, I realize it is still listed as being under attack??  ???

Attached is the log and save file.

Offline TroubleMaker

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Re: 50 Hours of Bug Notes
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2010, 01:48:08 pm »
Does it really say it transfer aliens to the other base, not that you selected, or just missed it here?
I'm not sure if it was fixed, but confirming for 2.3.0/win:

I have 3 bases with containments: HQ, OZ and S-Africa. After stunning an alien, I got choice: one of three bases in order of containments building. When I choose HQ or OZ, stunned bodies transferred to HQ. Choosing S-Africa, and bodies transferred to OZ. No way to directly transfer stunned to S-Africa, only thru transient bases.