Hi everyone.
So sorry if this has already been adressed elsewhere. (Yes, I did search quite a bit before starting a new topic.)
When I saw yesterday that 2.3 had finally been released my heart jumped with joy and I proceeded to install right away ...
Of course things couldn't just work for once and I am experiencing severe issues with the display of ingame graphics (more info on my system and drivers on the bottom):
- geoscape doesn't show
(9.3 ATI-mobility-CCC)
- geoscape and ingame graphics are "shifted", meaning the globe is on the top part of the screen instead of in the middle. On battlemaps, certain "light-effects" seem to be floating over the landscape causing distraction and unclear graphics.
(8.6 ATI-mobility without CCC)
- game doesn't start at all
("latest" 5.2 ATI-mobility-driver as provided by manufacturer in 2005)
- trying to switch back from full-screen mode to window-mode in the options-menu causes a total graphical messup with duplicate and fragmented view of windows-background and ingame-menu. Only a cold reboot helps here. (both recent driver-versions)
Here is my system:
Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M1437G (Notebook)
Intel(R) Pentium(R) m 1,73Ghz 797Mhz
1 GB Ram
15,5" glaretype-display running at 60Mhz
ATI-mobility-radeon x700 with 128MB memory
original Windows XP/home installation (from 2006) with SP3
DirectX 9.29 (June 2010)
An ufoconsole.log couldn't be found using manual search and startmenu-search. Possibly my applicationdata folders have been erased when cleaning up the system with CC-cleaner to make it ready for a fresh graphic-driver installation.
I hope you can help me somehow ... been waiting for this release for sooo long.