omg, peeps, lol.
what the wiki says and how the game works are somewhat different, aren't they?
what about assuming that the current reaction fire in the game is more like a placeholder, and that it is probably also like band-aid over band-aid?
how could it possibly work super well?
maybe the devs are not necessarily
trying to make players suffer unjustly.
and also, the devs, at least some of them, are probably reading a lot more than they reply to.
but if you look at the title of this thread, that might be a deterrent.
you would expect that it starts with a statement about how nice and great the game is, then there would be a little rant (a bit less than 1 page), and then there would be some concluding words.
those kinds of threads are almost always the same.
so, we could have discussed things here quietly, according to the 'no one does it all by himself' rule, until we are able to say things that might make some sense, and say it short.
as you can see, devs are such creatures that understand one-liners best, and now we are pressed to it : )
Problem is, there's no real way of telling which firemodes use recoil and which don't.
you mean like, lasers do not have recoil?
i was not trying to split hairs (this time), the *bang* would always appear to happen uniformly in the middle of the firemode time units, same for all weapons and fire modes, no matter if the shot really has recoil or not.
for the system in the wiki, it seems tu would need to be counted anyway, could they be counted twice?
would it be possible to determine if soldier B is using time units for shooting or something else (it should be enough if soldier B knew what he is using his time units for)?
as far as lasers are concerned, and maybe flamers, etc, maybe that would be more like burst.
if you want burst to be treated in a special way, well, i was not trying to address that problem right now, maybe later some time : )