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Base-launched cruise missiles?

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--- Quote from: Svevlad on May 14, 2010, 06:49:54 pm ---NO I did not mean to shoot aliens with A-bombs, I meant using an expendable interceptor-like missile for engaging alien aircraft which is too fast or very tough.

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Regular payloads take space too you know. So you need a decent rocket. And a lot of fuel to carry it all. And more fuel to carry the fuel.

All in all, cruise missiles would be ridiculous to use against aliens if even normal, specifically designed SAM-rockets can't maintain a lock (PHALANX's Cicada missiles simply have the best chance to maintain lock). A big cruise missile wouldn't fare much better. They're also slower and as such easier to hit.
Oh and long range SAM missiles tend to be fairly big too, so these cruises would be HUGE.

Well well...Today I realised that Missile Silo does exist in-game and yet the noble admin and you took a poop on the idea...I apologise for missunderstanding but...the whole time noone but the last person who wrote the post ever thought to mention it? Damn...
The idea was just like it is in-game...a bloody Missile Silo which fires missiles at the upcoming alien crafts...nothing more nothing less...Well maybe more graphically

Posted by: Hertzila 
Just a quick note, isn't the existing missile launcher basically this? Big AA missiles fired over long distances to relieve some stress from your interceptors?

Thank you man...It seems that you're the onlyone who understands english


--- Quote from: Svevlad on May 15, 2010, 09:29:49 am ---Thank you man...It seems that you're the onlyone who understands english

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Hold it man... What do you expect when you suggest something what's already implemented?
Either you want it more powerful (that's why you got the 1st answers) or you didn't look into the game which would sound quite silly when asking for improvements. ;)

Well the problem is that it was hard to tell how the bloody thing works because if you click on some other facilities in your base, Ufopaedia opens with a description, not with an options menu. So I figured out that it must be a classic defense turret like sonic defenses in X-COM TFTD e.g. when your base is under attack you can defend it with it and that is all...Until I discovered that you can interact with it through the base.


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