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Base-launched cruise missiles?

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It would be a Geoscape weapon, launched just like interceptors but the main difference would be that it would be much faster, more powerful... and expendable. Useful when dealing with superior enemy crafts and super-fast ones.
It would require missile silo building also...

That's against the grain of the game, so no.

Ok then :)
I thought it would be more realistic... You could only build one missile silo capable of launching one missile as a heavy support for interceptors. After that you need to make another one. I did not know that it would bring disbalance much

It wouldn't be realistic...any missile packed with enough fuel to intercept and enough heat to take down UFO would be so big that it would get shot down long before hitting the target.

It's not about realism or balance, it's just that this isn't the kind of game where you sit back and shoot your enemy with missiles. If you want that, you should play Command & Conquer.


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