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Author Topic: Suggestion to modify the game.  (Read 4766 times)

Offline masssiveego

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Suggestion to modify the game.
« on: May 09, 2010, 09:06:54 am »
I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum, I'm rather confused by the layout of this board.  I played the 2.2 version of the game.  Some ideas I'd like to put out there from the original game.   :)

I'd like to add more doom, and gloom to the game, more catch .22., more odds are stacked against the player,
kobayashi maru, mad max meets the terminator and murphy's law, mirror breaking black cat crossing, stepping
on cracks, more horror cursed bad luck, and more teeth grinding fustration to the gameplay.   ::)

How about misfiring weapons, dud grenades, weapon jams? ;D

Can we get an acid/poison/disease/alien takeover damage/nanotechnology/critical bleeding damages?

I'd also like to design the Chryssalids monsters so that they slowly kill off the soldiers.  Bring
back the zombie soldiers.  I'm thinking of importing ideas
from starcraft, and Alien the movie.  you know that big black alien with acid breath, and alien queens that
implant monsters.  the monster from terror from the deep.   Every turn the soldier continues to take
damage after the initial attack until the medikit fixes the damages.  I'd like to add this
kind of damage to the aliens as well.

Also how about adding a Borg like character that can take over machines into this game?

I know I should make it myself and put in the game as my own personal mod to the game.  However I'm not good a computer programming.
I need advice to start looking into it.  

It's like I would like to add new catagories of guns for instance put in assault rifles into three different catagories and place in bolt guns
from the original game.  different rates of rapid fire.  For example.
M-16a1 has two setting semi auto and full auto.  

Alien technology tree for another alien race.
Creates new kinds of ammo out of alien material and alien chemistry. (explosive alien goo)
Or ammo that continues to damage using nano technlogy like the borg thing.
How about a levitation belt?

Lets have a few human missions where the humans sell out to the alien race, and find things
that help the scientist find things.

Genetic modification for stats mutant/altered humans
with special powers with spliced alien dna.  Like tougher skin, per turn regeneration, more time units, strength,
shots per turn etc..  Like Fallout 2.

Family tree.. research the Chryssalids,  reserach alien dna, research alien implanting, alien eggs, research alien implants
both different.  implanting is that alien egg, implants is what controls the aliens and enchances alien abilities.
Then give choice what kind of implants.

How about aliens with more arms that carry more weapons, and more stuff?
Like octo alien with 8 guns as a super "boss" character that controls a powerful substation or something.

How about the lockness monster, big foot or other animals showing up?

How about scene where taken from UFO: Extraterrestrials,
I'm thinking more like E.T. phone home meets war of the worlds doom here.
As in intersecpting an alien invasion transmittion directed in calling for reinforcements against the earth.
How about an alien with a energy charged finger that takes control of machines?
How about a blob alien that engulfs players to slow them down or slowly digest them.

I'm thinking alien plants that blow up like those dangerious avocados.  

So I would like to add the option empty entire clip at the monster in one turn, or different response firing settings.

How about bringing back a stun round issue aka Taser into the game?

How about giving aliens the ability to stun personal, which kind of makes sense when they are going around gathering humans
wouldn't they be stunning people?

How about an alien lights, and art gallary?

I'd also like to add anti stun formula to the first aid kit, and mood enchancing drugs to fix morale.

I'd also like to add an option to fire craft weaponary, and port holes to attack from the craft.

How about an alien tricorder device or sensors?
Alien mind control devices, return of the alien cruise missiles, adding air support (guns or bombs), ocean
missions, space missions, alien bases, alien detection bases, alien factory bases, a side gambling game
based on dart throwing configurations, as well as pole weapons (three spaces), landmines, proximity mines,
remote explosives, explosives, laser trip mines, and other traps like the set the grenade as a tripwire trap for the alien?

How about a long range healing rifle?

Other ideas mp3/ogg alien radio switch during the global view,
switches and destroyable doors inside the alien aircraft like the original game.
Finding money on ships and aliens because if they are abducting people, wouldn't they take stuff from people as well?
How about having armed citizens, for and against the X-com people?

Also how about giving the aliens a few of their own versions of the laser trip mines, or random explosions
going off after a set timer on the screen to throw off players.

Eg.. squad moves, see a huge explosion away from the aliens to throw off where the aliens are.

How a time limit level where the players have a certain amount of turns before either a air strike, or alien
spacecraft explodes? :)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 10:42:30 am by masssiveego »

Offline bayo

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Re: Suggestion to modify the game.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 10:43:54 pm »
Finding money on ships and aliens because if they are abducting people, wouldn't they take stuff from people as well?
I will love alien farming...After 10000 missions u can buy a new aircraft  ;D

Offline Legendman3

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Re: Suggestion to modify the game.
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 11:03:12 pm »
I'd like to add more doom, and gloom to the game, more catch .22., more odds are stacked against the player,
kobayashi maru and murphy's law and more teeth grinding fustration to the gameplay.

Please play 2.3 and then try to say that. IMHO 2.3 is 15x harder