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About stun rod and bloodspider in ufopedia

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--- Quote from: Prinegon on May 16, 2010, 05:45:15 pm ---[...]this electronical equipment is seen not to have sufficient anti em-shields?

--- End quote ---
i am nowhere like a specialist on robotics, but don't the bloodspiders have metallic shell?
wouldn't that be enough em-shield?
afaik, metal has mobile electrons, so all such fields should get balanced by the electrons.

Electromagnetic fields and direct application of high voltage are two different things.  The bloodspiders would probably have ceramic shells, anyway.

I don't think the aliens are stupid enough not to protect their computers well enough from EM-blasts. Metal shield around the computer should work well AFAIK.

Technical Specifications: HPGL Grenade Launcher



Along with sniper rifles and rocket launchers, this is one of the few standard-issue human weapons that are fully effective against robotic aliens.



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