I can think of a different system for implants that's more creative than a point system.
We'll have 6 slots for implants or cybernetics:
both arms
both legs
We have a variety of researched implants that can be installed in a specific slot. Either one implant per slot period, or a point system (Implant slot A can mount 15 points worth of implants. Implant A has point value 5, Implant B value 10, and Implant C value 5. Implant slot can store (A,B), (A,C) and (B,C), but not (A,B,C) )
Head implants influence TU cost on everything and accuracy.
Torso implants influence health and total TUs
Arm and leg implants get interesting. Not only can they influence accuracy and TU's respectively, but there's a dozen weapons that are born to be mounted on a biomechanical arm or leg (say, a blade, or a submachine gun)