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UFO:AI Technology Ideas
--- Quote from: kodosapiens on April 23, 2010, 04:13:37 am --- Wow... inverse of plasma.
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I guess that's the point, but no one even thinks about putting plasma in a bullet to crack on impact, the quantity is simply far too tiny that it would not be worth it compared to the kinetic energy of a solid bullet.
A HEAT anti-tank round actually creates it's own plasma on impact, it's a shaped charge.
Perhaps the BEST way to shoot liquid nitrogen at an alien would be more like a flame thrower... just spray the bugger.
Requires a large refrigerated (and vulnerable) reservoir though, and the not so great rang would probably limit it's tactical usefulness to indoors.
--- Quote from: Silversnow on April 23, 2010, 07:46:03 pm ---Perhaps the BEST way to shoot liquid nitrogen at an alien would be more like a flame thrower...
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You mean like... The legendary Ice-thrower! ;D
But, Yeah, that could work quite well actually. Maybe, like, a liquid nitrogen canister? All you'd have to do is just give it a lower ammo count than the flamers C-80 canisters and mention in the ufopedia article that all the flamers are being upgraded to be able to use these canisters, and possibly more in the future.
Another new tech: Blur amour
Requirements: Obduction of at least one alien and 3 differnt kinds of aliens held alife.
Instead of just realizing the aliens to have better technologies and trying hard to overtake every single recovered tech they have so we could reduce their advantage over us, we will have the opportunity to take advantage over one of the aliens physical restrictions.
It is known that light consists of different colors. Another way to describe light is it consits of rays of different wave lengths. Rod and Cone cells react to light of different wave lengths and the percept of a color is created in the brain. Vision is, however, suspectable for optical illusions. It is, e.g. possible to see two rays with different wave lengths as the same color.
While human opticals both react to the same lights bandwith, between 380 and 780 nanometers wave length, this is not the case for the discovered aliens. Their opticals react to different bandwiths each. The reason for this behavior is not known for us, perhaps it is adaption to their natural environment, perhaps animal or plant life of their home world emmit information like poisioness warnings when emitting a different pattern in different wave lengths or it is a flashing protection, leaving one (or in some cases some) eye(s) still functional, while the other is blinded by flash. But this is room to speculation.
It is for sure, we now are able to use this fact to create an optical illusion protecting our soildiers: The blur amour. This amour is laquered with a special laque that has a prismatic effect on light. We are now able to break up light rays in a special way and reflect them in different angles, so that alien species have the optical illusion, the person wearing this amour stands on different positions at once. The research of this piece of amour wasn't as simple, since we can't determine exactly, what one alien is seeing, but we believe, we were able to create a second image of the person standing in a slightly different position. The effect however, varies from person to person and also from enviromental light. It works best in bright daylight and worse in moonlight. Within rooms still an effect will be seen, but since artifical light is much directed and reduced in bandwith, the effect will not be great. But hell, a shot in the shoulder instead of the heart is still a win.
While all alien life forms orientating through infra red (like bloodspiders) can't be fooled by this technology, especially species with compound eyes (if ever integrated into this game) will freak out totally.
This piece of amour is not perfect, however. It doesn't work well in night missions and not at all against specific kinds of aliens. It also is not changing the position of a soldiers face (since the face normally is unamoured), so the more inteligent races may be fooled by this equipment with their reaction shots and still be able to aim proper with their normal shots. Please also take note this amour is not fooling any human supporter, since their eyes don't react to unsimilar bandwith of wave length. The only effect this piece of amour has to them is glistering in the sun.
--- Quote from: Prinegon on April 24, 2010, 12:01:31 pm ---*words*
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Why something so complex, relatively ineffective and hard to make when we can just craft us a stealth camouflage?
Besides, we have already invented a method for invisibility: it's called "get down" and works when the user is wearing military camouflage. [/joke]
--- Quote from: DiDiT on April 23, 2010, 09:14:06 pm ---But, Yeah, that could work quite well actually. Maybe, like, a liquid nitrogen canister? All you'd have to do is just give it a lower ammo count than the flamers C-80 canisters and mention in the ufopedia article that all the flamers are being upgraded to be able to use these canisters, and possibly more in the future.
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There's still the problem that the nitrogen would have to stay cold, so unless those nitrogen canisters also have a refrigation system they could/would explode or simply not work (your flamer would release the indimitating sound of gas leak ;D).
I am aware that stealth camouflage using mirrors only works if these mirrors actually exist. This would require the spectator looking from a specific angle and also movement would be a problem. There is also the possibility to project a picture from the back of a person on a led display of the front amor (as long as it is undamaged, dead pixel (like shooting holes) just are bad for this illusion). This is also dependent from the angle you look at this picture. Movement, however, would be possible (but may require the camera to move as well). But since the projection only consists of very directed lights in a reduced bandwith, this illusion may totally be visible to opticals that function a different way than human eyes.
The get down with military carmouflage method works quite fine, if the environment holds cover and if the lights are bad. With enough cover this still might work fine in bright light. But, however, tarning is only one way one could think of becoming invisible.
Why the effort?
Two answers: First I like the idea humanity is able to take advantage above physical restrictions the aliens may have. It is much cooler (and more satisfying) to have a technology developed on the weakness of your opponent instead only adopting the strenghts of the opponents. (e.g. the defeat of the dansk Johann the first didn't stay in memory because of two troops fighting on a big battlefield but because of some peasants taking advantage of the dansk army being heavily amoured and opening the dykes leaving the dansk army to drown).
The second answer is: It is a new kind of technology. The more varity this game has in technological advances, the more interesting. And this is a kind of technology that could be pseudo explained by me. Even if this tech doesn't go in final, it may inspire others to come up with their ideas and enrich the tech tree of this game. As it was mentioned in the tech branch discussion it is hard enough to come up with enough reasonable futuristic technologies even without splitting them into different branches. So I thought, one would be glad if I could ad some reasonable tech to it.
I do not have the luxus to say: Well, I like the freezing effect or I like blur, so the explanation will be a spell (like a fantastic setting would do). But I can make my mind make imagine ways how this effects could be explained (although the explanation is not neccessary correct it only needs to be believable). And, the hack, I just like the 3d effect one could see with filtering glasses in the cinema. So i totally believe aliens will die more happily if their filter eyes were tricked by exactly this effect in combat *muhaha*
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