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And now for my next trick, I will eat a Nuclear warhead.
--- Quote from: Destructavator on January 26, 2010, 02:03:24 am ---Many of those "buggers" are tough in the beginning against starting weapons.
--- End quote ---
This makes even more true what ovvldc states: It is already hard to hurt an alien with a direct hit, so you're nearly chanceless when (felt) 95% of your shots hit the air!
I reccomend that the human forces invest in javelins. Not the spear things, the missle launcher ones. the ones that you can lock on to an exact location, then the missle goes 10 feet foward out of the tube, and heads straight up. After getting like 10 stories up it goes over to the target and drops straight down on it. And its main purpose is an anti-tank weapon. 100% accuracy and 100% splatter everywhere rate.
seriously though, why is the last hope for humanity using handicap guns and getting the bottom rung troops? I expect to have marine-navyseal-ninja-commandos who eat pure macho 3 times a day and shit c4 and energy blasts.
They're the extra 'special' forces.
After each mission, they get lollipops and cool-aid.
I actually love the rocket launcher in sniping situations. I've had the most success hitting with that and the damage radius has even knocked off aliens that were out of direct LOS but in range. Terrible to reload, ammo production is slow, and no moving and shooting in same turn are the big drawbacks that I hit.
Before lamenting about tough aliens... advance further in the game and encounter Aliens in medium armour armed with heavy needlers. ;) You can shoot these with amost everything (exceptions: PB-grenades from launcher, Coilgun, machine gun 25-round-burst) with hardly any or really no effect. :) To make it even better: every hit of their weapon kills.
And to make it even better: Medium armored aliens appeard in hard mode around the 4th month. ;)
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