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Medical staff
btw, biologists and nanotechnologists were separated in xcom-apoc.
can you imagine how much more exciting the game was because of it?
almost not at all, i would say.
but, i would have something different in mind.
there might be alien themed toys on the market like the vampire and spiderman costumes we have in real life.
and some kids would be wearing alien costumes and wielding cheap plastic imitations of heavy particle beam cannons.
you would find out when they shoot at you.
they would either say 'bang-bang! hahaha!' or else there would be a real particle beam.
in real life, next time i see someone who looks like a vampire, can i put a stake through his heart?
he looked like a vampire after all, i was trying to do the right thing.
if i had a good lawyer, maybe i could get away with it.
continuing the same logic, maybe we should replace medical staff with lawyers.
If medics could do some serious making Phalanx Space Marines...the aliens would be f*****.
That would be so awesomely cool.
Ok, that would be way over hte top modifications. But some lesser ones and lesser implant. Certanly not cybog arm and stupid stuf like that.
I like extra work. I view it as playing a more detailed game. I'd have liked to see an expanded role for medics, as said a few times. Let them boost research in various areas, perform autopsies, maybe change their names to Doctors to imply an expanded role. Maybe give them a reason to be on missions. Med packs are way too overpowered as they are now, and anyone can use them. How about medics be the ones who can really use them, or use them 3x as better or something like that? Just an idea.
If they're gone, ok, but to me it means the game is being dumbed down... harsh, yes, and I don't mean this is a "OMG HOW DARE YOU!" issue and I understand that it's an extremely minor detail they provide right now, but I just hate when I see a function in a game removed just because someone thinks it's too much work. Moving soldiers across a battlefield one space a time instead of just having them fight for themselves is "too much work" to some. Managing a base instead of just having it done automatically is "too much work" to some. The more the game does for me, the less I like it. The whole game can be thought of as work, and that's why I like games like xcom and UFO:AI, the realism of having to manage a full scale war.
So I'd prefer to see a feature expanded instead of deleted. Just my 2C.
--- Quote ---btw, biologists and nanotechnologists were separated in xcom-apoc.
can you imagine how much more exciting the game was because of it?
almost not at all, i would say.
--- End quote ---
Well, I would fault that on execution, not concept.
Dr. Gregory House: We're going to cure her.
Dr. Allison Cameron: We're going to cure death?
Dr. Gregory House: [voice like a mad scientist] Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
[normal voice]
Dr. Gregory House: Doubt it.
I want house and his team as my medics
Think of all the fun house would have with the aliens and their tech
Intergating Aliens
House: Everybody lies
Frankly, I don't see a lot of usefulness of tech implants.
External equipment can always do the same job.
Some minor genetic enhancement, maybe.
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