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Author Topic: Model Testing PK3 for 2.3 dev builds (for anyone to try)  (Read 3006 times)

Offline Destructavator

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Model Testing PK3 for 2.3 dev builds (for anyone to try)
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:01:15 pm »

OK, I've put a custom pk3 file in the data source (link to the folder above) for anyone who wants to try out the new soldier models and animations and give feedback.

I'll update this thread as I add and fix things.

I figured this was better than screen shots which can't actually show animations in action.

This first early pk3 has many issues, many I already know about - for one it breaks single-player mode, it can be tested in skirmish mode however.

Animations which are done (but not final versions) are in the body.anm file before the comment line with TODO in it:
(EDIT: Except for death animations, which I didn't do yet.)

Code: [Select]
// character animations
// name start end fps

death1 1 1 1
dead1 1 1 1
death2 1 1 1
dead2 1 1 1
death3 1 1 1
dead3 1 1 1

stand0 2 2 1
walk0 3 28 60
cstand0 121 121 1
cwalk0 122 181 50

stand1 225 225 1
// stand1a 225 230 1
// stand1b 231 236 1
// stand1c 237 240 1
walk1 184 223 60
cstand1 245 245 1
cwalk1 245 304 50

move_rifle 225 230 1
// move_rifle1 225 230 1
// move_rifle2 231 236 1
// move_rifle3 237 240 1
shoot_rifle 308 318 25
cmove_rifle 330 340 1
// cmove_rifle1 330 340 1
// cmove_rifle2 - - -
// cmove_rifle3 - - -
cshoot_rifle 319 329 25
// TODO everything past here

move_biggun 146 146 4
shoot_biggun 147 151 10
cmove_biggun 172 173 1
cshoot_biggun 174 178 10

move_melee 155 155 4
shoot_melee 156 160 10
cmove_melee 181 182 10
cshoot_melee 183 187 10

stand2 2 2 1
walk2 3 28 60
cstand2 121 121 1
cwalk2 122 181 50

move_pistol 231 231 10
shoot_pistol 232 236 5
cmove_pistol 271 272 5
cshoot_pistol 273 277 5

move_pistol_d 240 240 4
shoot_pistol_d 241 249 10
cmove_pistol_d 280 281 10
cshoot_pistol_d 282 290 10

move_grenade 253 253 4
shoot_grenade 254 259 10
cmove_grenade 293 294 10
cshoot_grenade 295 300 10

move_item 263 263 4
shoot_item 264 268 10
cmove_item 303 304 10
cshoot_item 305 309 10

stand3 2 2 1
walk3 3 28 60
cstand3 121 121 1
cwalk3 122 181 50

move_rpg 353 353 4
shoot_rpg 354 358 10
cmove_rpg 361 362 10
cshoot_rpg 363 367 10

stand_menu 2 2 1
panic0 370 371 1

stand_still 2 2 1

(Thanks to vedrit who did some of these.)

« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 07:07:15 pm by Destructavator »

Offline Destructavator

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Re: Model Testing PK3 for 2.3 dev builds (for anyone to try)
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2010, 07:04:45 pm »
Known issues:

- The weapon-firing animations are messed up, I suspect it may have to do with the weapon model TAGs which are not changed in this pk3.

- Single-player might not work.

- I've only tested it on Windows XP.

- The scale of weapons are off for the new soldier models.

- I'm still adjusting the scale of the new head models slightly.

- The new soldiers also look too thin in-game, I intend to fix this when I scale things.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 07:37:11 pm by Destructavator »