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Author Topic: CodeBlocks problem  (Read 24028 times)

Offline Mattn

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2010, 05:01:02 pm »
thanks, i've removed it

Offline Muton

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2010, 09:53:16 am »
same problem with gawk

   download_archive gawk-3.1.7-1-msys-1.0.11-bin.tar.lzma

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2010, 07:12:20 pm »
i will replace that one, too - thanks

Offline Destructavator

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2010, 06:46:47 am »
I just created a new C::B package with the updated script, it compiles the game fine, but not radiant without errors.

I'm currently uploading the package for others to try if they want to.

(Logs attached).

Edit: Link:
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 07:13:37 am by Destructavator »

Offline Mattn

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2010, 07:51:42 am »
should be fixed with the most recent script version, too

Offline Destructavator

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2010, 08:08:13 am »
should be fixed with the most recent script version, too

OK thanks, I'll try it again now.

Offline Destructavator

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2010, 03:27:48 pm »
Success!  Everything works now.   :D

Here is the new and updated, working package:

Offline Muton

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2010, 03:27:01 pm »
I've done "some" work on the script
   able to on the newly created codeblocks.7z
   and a working UfoAI build from scratch

.) download archives updated
.) new function to extract archives extract()
.) changed function download_archive()
.) more verbose output
.) some cleanup

The script:
will now use 7za only for extraction
add everything needed to build UfoAI incl. NSIS and keep things separated; codeblock is codeblock, mingw is mingw
added my script make_UfoAI_win32 too
changed the way the script calls functions; I download and extract package by package
made a lot of error checking

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2010, 03:41:26 pm »
thanks - commited to trunk

Offline Muton

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2010, 12:43:10 pm »
there is a bug regarding include dir

fixed it and attached!

working with last and from official download (mattn)

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Offline Muton

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2010, 08:22:32 pm »
Hmm, i start to think we should call it by name, UfoAI_win32_build_environment_${version}

Newbies get easily confused codeblocks package <=> codeblocks IDE
what codeblock they currently using
where to get the newest
and is it up2date

I've changed the name from to is calling (in some month we should trash it) adds
a versionNumber too, a changelog at the bottom of the script
and most important a text file Mingw/bin/WINenvVER containing the environment-version that is currently used

We are than able to check every time C::B is used to compile the project if the environment is up2date
C::B call cb_check.cmd which will open WINenvVER and apply a version check and
exit 0 or assist the user to build a update

attached 2 patches
projects.patch for build\projects
scripts.patch for contrib\scripts
incl. for contrib\scripts

I hope i've done the svn diff accurate

Code: [Select]
<Add before="..\..\contrib\scripts\cb_check.cmd &quot;$(TARGET_COMPILER_DIR)&quot;" />

Code: [Select]
@echo off
cd /d %~dps0

@echo %~1
@echo %~dps1

set codeblocks_toolchain_path=%~dps1

if NOT Exist %codeblocks_toolchain_path%bin\WINenvVER (
call :error "unable to find %codeblocks_toolchain_path%bin\WINenvVER"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %codeblocks_toolchain_path%bin\WINenvVER') do (
set ver=%%a

if NOT Exist %env_build_script% (
call :error "unable to find %~dps0%env_build_script%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%a in ('type %env_build_script% ^| findstr /I "^environment_ver"') do (
set CB=%%a

if %ver%==%CB% (
@echo Win32 build environment is up2date
exit 0
if %ver% GEQ %CB% (
@echo Win32 build environment is a testbuild
exit 0

call :error "Win32 build environment is outdated"

@echo %~1
@echo update your build environment

echo %~dps0 | findstr /I "%codeblocks_toolchain_path%\" 2>&1>NULL && (
rem @echo %codeblocks_toolchain_path%
rem @echo %~dps0
set this=%~dps0
call set this=%%this:%codeblocks_toolchain_path%=%%
call set this=%%this:\=/%%
start %codeblocks_toolchain_path%msys.bat
echo %~dps0 | findstr /I "%codeblocks_toolchain_path%\" 2>&1>NULL || (
@echo %codeblocks_toolchain_path%
@echo %~dps0
@echo As the Wiki state, ufoai source must be somwhere below Mingw
@echo move your ufoai source folder at %codeblocks_toolchain_path%
start explorer %~dps0..\..\
start explorer %codeblocks_toolchain_path%
if NOT "%this%"=="" (
@echo .
@echo enter this line into mingw32
@echo /%this%%env_build_script% create
@echo .
@echo you will find the new environment at %codeblocks_toolchain_path%home\%USERDOMAIN%
start explorer %codeblocks_toolchain_path%home\%USERDOMAIN%
exit 1
goto :EOF

Offline Mattn

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2010, 05:55:01 pm »
it would be cool if you could base your work on the scripts in our svn

see also

Offline Muton

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2010, 06:20:13 pm »
I hope it's now as it should be

svn add /ufoai/contrib/scripts/
svn add /ufoai/contrib/scripts/cb_check.cmd
svn diff /ufoai/contrib/scripts >>scripts.patch
svn diff /ufoai/build/projects >>projects.patch

Offline Mattn

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Re: CodeBlocks problem
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2010, 08:32:28 pm »
applied to trunk with a little modifications - deprecated files should not exists - use svn move filename newfilename to keep the version history. please watch a little bit the coding guidelines of our project. even if this is all about scripts, they are true for scripts, too ;)