I'm playing the newest version (installl file: ufoai_2_3Dev_win32_r26236.exe) and there are some issues in it.
1. Aliens are much more stupid than in the stable version
> They shoot right against walls (especially inside landed ufos, they spend all their ammo shooting into the hull of the ship)
> They never kill a civilian on terror missions, they don't even attack them.
> They only attack my soldiers effectively if they are in close combat distance (with kerblade) or with reaction fire.
> They are very "passive" and don't attack viciously as they did sometimes in 2.1 but often just stand motionlessly at their spawn place and only move if a soldier comes into melee-distance.
2. Aliens are stuck in the front part of the ufos. They are almost invisible there (only visible from very close distance) and you even can enter the spot on which they are. They seem to be immobile at this point and harmless (as they haven't killed my soldiers standing next to them numerous time). They can be shot normally, even though they stand right into a greenish machine on the entry level of landed ufos.
3. I loved the grenade-attacks that aliens used on me very effectively in the first mission, but it has never happened again after the first mission. Seems strange, that they used their effective strategy just once.
4. Sall issue: Fences (on the farming maps) seem to be made of massive concrete. They provide a lot of cover which makes fighting on these maps quite tiresome as you need to find the openings between the fences to shoot through.
Nevertheless I would like to stress, that this is a fabulous game and I love it. I played all the UFO Games but this is the one I would rate the most interesting, even though it is still in the process of being developed.
Thank you a lot indeed for this game.