the game crashes without notice when trying to change screen resolution or switch to full screen.
I'm running Windows Vista, 1280x800 screen, on Acer Travelmate 5720G with ATI Mobility Radeon.
No other graphics bugs or problems so far, just this crash.
I've noticed a similar problem, changing the resolution doesn't cause problems but changing to full screen it crashes.
I do however have a good workaround that consistently works
start up ufoai, once you get to the first menu where you can go into options, go back to desktop and start another instance of the game.
When this second instance gets to the menu, go into options, change to full screen and it will do so without crashing. will also cycle through the other instance so leave it a sec or 2 to catch up with itself!
Not sure why it does that but i've succesfully played for hours like this!
I did try Compatibility mode for XP too in case it was a win7 glitch but didn't seem to make a diffeerence.
Running Windows 7, 2gb ram, Athlon XP 2400+ and an nvidia graphics card, will edit specs with more detail when i'm at home!