== 2009.05.15 == 0.7.5 =====================================
I've added ufomodel to create mdx files
Its a fast build process so i spared some time and added it into the ufo2map build proecess
The tool itself is compiled with the same gcc settings as applied for ufo2map
Added the possibility to run a command or script after build completion
Some macro's are added see help*
>I've noticed that every time one close the make_UfoAI_win32.exe, even when no compiling was started (not even any change in the setting was made) the app says "My child processes and I are still alive!
Will only show up during "make" no longer under "config"
added- run script after build
- ufomodel
changed- close warning
- litte Gui changes
> It would be a great addition to makeufo-ai to have the option to select which pk3s to rebuild,
I know it takes some time to build the pk3's all the time again, but that would cost to much time
Its more important to get Ming make build process running
If selected the command or script that you have entered into the Input will be executed
The working directory is the directory of the current running exe
Meaning the command cd would return V:\str
Your script is just called nothing else
How and what i've called is stored in the log file
Any command is executed trough cmd.exe
To quickly test your command deselect any 'Build Selection' except small
shutdown /s /f /t 0
c:\somewhere\myscript.cmd "parameter"
"".\strĂ¼n (x68)\my.cmd" "parameter" "par 2""
Really called:
cmd /c c:\somewhere\myscript.cmd "parameter"
Normally the script is only executed in case of a success
Durimg an error your command or script is NOT executed
To overrride this use the macro #error#
#error#shutdown /s /f /t 0
..\..\mys#error#cript.cmd "parameter"
#error# execute the script after an error too
#elevel# return the error level
#YEAR# Current four-digit year
#MON# Current month. Range is 01 to 12
#MDAY# Current day of month. Range is 01 to 31
#HOUR# Hours value of clock in 24-hour format. Range is 00 to 23
#MIN# Minutes value of clock. Range is 00 to 59
#AppDataDir# path to current user's Application Data
#DesktopDir# path to current user's Desktop
#MyDocumentsDir# path to My Documents target
#FavoritesDir# path to current user's Favorites
#ProgramsDir# path to current user's Programs (folder on Start Menu)
#StartMenuDir# path to current user's Start Menu
#StartupDir# current user's Startup folder
#UserProfileDir# Path to current user's Profile folder
#svn# svn revision
#installername# only the installer filename (if there is an installer)
#installerpath# full path to the installer (if there is an installer)
#logfile# the full path and filename to the log file
#error#c:\somewhere\myscript.cmd "#elevel#" "#svn#"
move /y "#installerpath#\#installername#" "c:\newplace\newname.exe"
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce" /v message /t REG_SZ /d "notepad.exe \"#logfile#\"" /f
copy /y "c:\mypath\myfile" "%TEMP%"