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Author Topic: Crashes During Level Changes  (Read 4333 times)


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Crashes During Level Changes
« on: July 11, 2009, 05:56:53 am »
So, I've fired a missile into the penultimate alien.  I press down to get a better view of my final target.  I prepare to attack, annnnnd...   the game crashes.  I've had several crashes on multiple maps while switching to lower levels.  It's not constant.  Usually, it works, but I haven't seen any pattern.  It has only crashed when I used down.  The 'S' key seems to work, but that may be only because I use it less.  Really, it just seems to crash when I'm doing well.  If it's of any consequence, I'm running the Macintosh version on OSX 10.4.  Please help me, I really like this game.


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Re: Crashes During Level Changes
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2009, 10:56:40 pm »
So, I've fired a missile into the penultimate alien.  I press down to get a better view of my final target.  I prepare to attack, annnnnd...   the game crashes.  I've had several crashes on multiple maps while switching to lower levels.  It's not constant.  Usually, it works, but I haven't seen any pattern.  It has only crashed when I used down.  The 'S' key seems to work, but that may be only because I use it less.  Really, it just seems to crash when I'm doing well.  If it's of any consequence, I'm running the Macintosh version on OSX 10.4.  Please help me, I really like this game.

Hi Filefolders,

I believed that by posting here, u r using version 2.2.1??

This is an uber old version and the current 2.3-developement built is waaaaaaaaaaaaay (like 10000+ revisions) after.

U might want to try downloading one of the binaries if u have a PC system (or requesting it from the Mac's section if u only use Mac OSX) and try it out. The 'bugs' u r experiencing might not be there anymore. :D

Get a PC would be good idea. I have heard that the Mac port compiling has some issues and one of the devs is trying to get it fired up again. :D


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Re: Crashes During Level Changes
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2009, 02:36:44 am »
It says it's 2.2 i386.  It might be a little outdated because I got it from another website.  I can still play it as long as I keep from pressing down.  I have a Windows machine too, but both are just matters of convenience.


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Re: Crashes During Level Changes
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2009, 08:56:55 pm »
It says it's 2.2 i386.  It might be a little outdated because I got it from another website.  I can still play it as long as I keep from pressing down.  I have a Windows machine too, but both are just matters of convenience.

Ooooo, chances are if u have downloaded from another site, its one of the MUCH earlier versions that is stable (probably 2.2.1 or even 2.2 or 2.1).

U might want to try bearing with it, or to get a taste of what the dev teams have IMMENSELY improved - 2.3 development built. Its still buggy as of now, but ALOT (i mean TONS) of huge improvements have been made. :D


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Re: Crashes During Level Changes
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2009, 09:14:28 pm »
All right.  Thanks.