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Author Topic: Make enemy use reaction fire on flash bangs, and new moral effect.  (Read 2959 times)

Offline ferralll

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Kinda a simple idea. Though I do not know how hard it would be to implement.

Cause a flash bang to some times trigger enemy fire at the flash bang (or in a random direction).

This could just be a chance that it will fire, and have it related to the moral of the person who sees it. Thus it could be a great new tactic for approaching an enemy in a fortified position.

To implement this well, I think that every time an enemy is fired at his moral will be decreased.  This could be judged by a proximity method.  If a shot lands or passes through an area 2-3 tiles a way, then the moral will steadily get lower.  (Perhaps a different moral bar would have to be set up for this).  So, you could have a machine gun lay down cover fire at the enemy, then have some one throw a flash grenade to the other side of the corner, and if he fires at it, have another guy sneak up and shoot the distracted enemy.

Also this would give a bigger use to the machine gun.
Though the effect of moral would have to be thought out in a bit more detail.  Armor, amount of friendlies in the area, and other things would have to be taken in to account. But that is my basic idea.

(thanks for listening to me.  If I had more time, and a bit more programing experience, I would deffinantly be trying to contribute on the other side of this game.  I love it, and thankyou very much for making it!!!)

Offline shevegen

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Re: Make enemy use reaction fire on flash bangs, and new moral effect.
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2009, 11:25:14 pm »
One small problem - how fast will "moral" recover and what effects will a "demoralized" alien have?


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Re: Make enemy use reaction fire on flash bangs, and new moral effect.
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2009, 07:04:55 am »
One small problem - how fast will "moral" recover and what effects will a "demoralized" alien have?

And have we all thought about who will be scripting all these AI scripts of soldiers / aliens / Civilians? Hmmmm.....

We already have a moral "bar" indicator. Perhaps leave this to a much later stage of balancing.....??

And if we really want to delve into this area, morale can be increased / decreased based on a percentage gain / loss of the health vs max health. Its a simple concept, but may not be what the dev team likes. So, lets not push it as of now. The team are working already VERY VERY hard on getting map bugs and PF (Pathfinding) bugs out......