Thats the point...
Germany got the hardest gun law in Europa...maybe in the whole world. But if one REALY WANT to do such a thing, he WILL...if politicans ban computergames or not...
My mom told me a thing...when she was a child, there was gun rampage anywhere in germany. A guy used a flamethrower (!) to fire through a window into a classroom. What was the reason at this time? The Beatles???
As always...politicans dont know what they are talking about...
Flamethrower?!?!?!??!? OMG! WTF! Thts insane.
And well, politics are always messy. Politicians are simply walking messes alot of the time (i am NOT saying all are, but alot of em i see in the world are -> specifically old batch taiwan, honduras, even indonesia and malaysia to a certain extent. I have even seen messy british's politician's lives totally messed up).
(btw odie...the wildlife in germany isnt that hostile, that you have to use a gun to protect yourself...hmm...well...maybe if a cow wants to lick through your face... )
HAHAHAHHAAHA...... WOW! That would be disgusting! And trust me, if its a cow (female obviously, males are bulls lol), i would just pull her udder. lol. Then again, sidetrack - Read this cute thing:
How to Milk a Cow.... ok, i was totally random here.
I'm looking foreward to the elections too...hope the new pirate-party can teach those great, old german partys a lesson or two...
Yeah...but she used a knife and most of the games use guns...dont know, if politicans even know, that you can use a knife in CS
Oh, and dun they know CS allows punches too? They gonna restrict and ban the use of hands?? Lol.
Its the mindset of the ppl, not things.... sigh. Which part of that simple theory do they not understand?
Its just like -> Morphine is good for medical use, but abused. Does that warrant banning every use of morphine?? No. Same as for things like piritone. There will always be piritone abuse, but its an absolutely essential drug. lol