Well, all files I got straigh from SVN and did'nt changed them. I'll atach it just in case (renamed as .txt so forum will accept it).
However, I've noticed that when u hire any soldier, soldeir's rank is stated as "rifleman", but after first mission, the rookie strangely gets "promoted" to "riflemen" (wasn't he already a riflemen?). Makes me think just hired rokies have no rank at all before first mission. Maybe introducion a new rank "rookie" would solve this issue, as all hired soldiers with no missions would get a rank right from the begining (before any mission) or just assign the riflemen rank to all not yet hired soldiers.
Obs: No, I checked. the 2 rookies from that mission where not the same ones in hospital.
Obs 2: Even playing the exact same compile with no SVN updates, this never happened again.
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