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What Alien Invasion needs in order to replace XCOM1 as the best game

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Another Guy:

--- Quote from: homunculus on June 22, 2009, 07:28:05 pm ---once you get your hands on the psi weapons the game becomes quite unbalanced imo.
--- End quote ---
Considering some alien races have psionic powers on high skills on multiple soldiers and do not seem to require line of sight or psi weapons for using it... Nah, psi weapons do not unbalance it at all.

The options suck a bit.

But I picked "AI", because I recall some missions where aliens behaved in a pattern which repeated itself.
Like they saw me, and went back to cover.
This is very bad if it is 100% always the same behaviour. I think aliens need to somehow change, or "decide"
between different strategies.

Agree with 『shevegen』。
AI and the reaction fire still have space for improvement.

『Another Guy』:-Thanks for supporting.
『homunculus』:- It still BALANCE in overall. Any other unbalance nature that you can notice in the game? (beside psi weapon, some bugs like max 80 inventory items)
『geever』:- This is just a topic to discuss...I believe nothing to do with the UFO:AI development... And everybody here love a good game... and Xcom1 is one of them.
『BTAxis』:- Just to say..."Hi"...


--- Quote from: Another Guy on June 22, 2009, 08:18:44 pm ---
--- Quote from: homunculus on June 22, 2009, 07:28:05 pm ---once you get your hands on the psi weapons the game becomes quite unbalanced imo.

--- End quote ---
Considering some alien races have psionic powers on high skills on multiple soldiers and do not seem to require line of sight or psi weapons for using it... Nah, psi weapons do not unbalance it at all.

--- End quote ---
we are talking about xcom enemy unknown, right?
you needed somebody to see the alien.
but you didn't need line of sight from the guy who was doing the psi attack.

your controlled and disarmed and otherwise very friendly alien sees another alien who drops its guns and that other alien sees another alien who drops its guns and sees another alien who drops its guns and sees an alien commander who either blows itself and its friends up or just drops the launcher and scouts some more for you.
this is how your soldiers will very rarely have a line of sight with an armed alien.

when you do some planning, you build yourself a few psi-labs (10 or more) and recruit a lot of soldiers to get a team of 80+ psi soldiers asap after capturing sectoid leader from a terror mission.

how soon you get the psi is really secondary, it is this scouting tactics that turns out to be unbalanced in favor of the player.

Another Guy:
Aliens can do pretty much the same (specially ethereals), and often do, panic/beseking 1/3 of ur soldiers and mind controling one or 2 of them. The really unbalancing factor I see is not from the game concept, but the AI bug that alien never pick weapons from the ground after droping it.
But again, a bug is a bug. Should not be considered as unbalancing on the game concept.

Edit: U r correct about the line of sight for soldiers, but aliens never seemed to require line of sight for themselves to use THEIR psionic powers. Sometimes  if u ended the turn with everyone still on dropship facing a map corner, some soldier would still panic.


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