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Author Topic: STAND STILL on UFO after October 2084?  (Read 2473 times)


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STAND STILL on UFO after October 2084?
« on: June 08, 2009, 12:30:13 pm »

Hi friends, i got to Oct and have nothing else to look for.

Can't access the TANKS (it only happears a "TODO" word and nothing else).

There's an INVASION SEQUENCE1 that i can't watch.

I have a .JPG of my current status but don't know to whom to send it.

8 BASES and 8.266.200credits and nowhere to spend them. :(


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Re: STAND STILL on UFO after October 2084?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 12:32:16 pm »
I have the-

UFO: ALIEN INVASION 2.2.1 x86 Apr 2008 Win32 RELEASE - and am using the Windows XP.


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Re: STAND STILL on UFO after October 2084?
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2009, 01:48:53 pm »

There have been quite alot of things not yet done in the 2.2.1 version.

The INVASION SEQUENCE1 is for an activation of one of the storyline sections - not yet done up. Plus, tanks are still todo indeed even at current 2.3-dev version. :D (Today as of R24618).

As for uploading a certain jpg, if u did not notice, there is an additional button between this text box area u type replies and the POST button called "ADDITIONAL OPTIONS".

Open it and u are given an "ATTACH" option, where u can attach up to a 1 to a 4 attachments, max 1024KB. The file types allowed are: tga, obj, log, jpg, png, txt, diff, patch, md2, md3, blend, max, wings, zip, gz, bz2, odg, map, 7z


Have fun continually! :D