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Any ideas how to get this game reviewed on Gamespot?
I have an account there but I have no idea how to get this wonder reviewed on that reputable site. Nexuiz is there and so are other freeware games.
It'd be cool to have this on my "Now Playing" list.
Maybe it shouldn't be reviewed until we release 2.3. Just a note...
--- Quote from: geever on June 06, 2009, 10:54:57 pm ---Maybe it shouldn't be reviewed until we release 2.3. Just a note...
--- End quote ---
I'd agree with this. I think 2.3 is going to be much better.
A note there is that Nexuiz just did its 2.5 release and its had lots of interest. If you like I could dig around on the AT forums and see where they advertised.
Did you send an email?
I know, nobody uses email these days :P but often I found very good response to an email I sent.
I think what would be extremely cool is to get the game on Steam but I don't know if the licensing etc. would be compatible.
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