I have it compiled, but there are problems.
Both straight executable, and .dmg behave similarly:
0. The initial display of the intro text is slow on my 1.42 G4.
1. You cannot actually build the initial base. It places an icon on the map, but never actually advances the game state. It does not drop your money. Clicking again will try to build again. Etc.
2. Right click to drag the geoscape view causes the app to lock up.
Aha! This looks good:
Sanity check for script data
...buildings ok
...tech ok
...aircraft ok
...items ok
...items ok
...nations ok
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from van_theme)
ERROR: Could not find rank 'rifleman'
0 ufo 0x001a946c Sys_Backtrace + 36
1 ufo 0x001312f0 Com_Error + 384
2 ufo 0x00079404 CL_GetRankIdx + 172
3 ufo 0x0008f608 E_UnhireAllEmployees + 1304
4 ufo 0x0008f6cc E_CreateEmployee + 52
5 ufo 0x00090830 E_InitialEmployees + 92
6 ufo 0x00061ad4 B_BuildingStatus + 3840
7 ufo 0x0006205c B_SetUpBase + 244
8 ufo 0x0006a6b4 B_RemoveAntimatterExceedingCapacity + 2084
9 ufo 0x00121790 Cmd_ExecuteString + 268
10 ufo 0x0011fc84 Cbuf_Execute + 452
11 ufo 0x00015d34 CL_OnBattlescape + 160
12 ufo 0x00016564 CL_Frame + 432
13 ufo 0x0013349c Qcommon_Init + 2584
14 ufo 0x00133b68 Qcommon_Frame + 180
15 ufo 0x001a991c main + 356
16 ufo 0x00002174 start + 68
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from PsymongN5)
stbmac:trunk Michael$
That was once out of 5 attempts.
(How can I get the server to use the mac crash report dump rather than this one? The patch from earlier only gives the client mac dumps.)
3. The geoscape will sometimes go blank, and most times not.
Skirmish: HOLY BLEEP! I can see the map! No more graphic garbage!
Responsiveness is poor. I get 10 FPS while sitting around, not moving, and 3-4 while trying to move, rotate, or otherwise move the screen around. That makes it hard to actually adjust the map so I can see all the units and terrain. (Can we get a single command to show as much of the map as possible (preferably all), from as vertical a viewpoint as possible, and then keep it there even as you change to a new soldier? Yea, just keep it as a 2d battle-map on square blocks with cardboard counters :-).
This is 26297.
Lets see if the current version won't force a map recompile:
No, of course not. 26313 will require redoing all the maps. Sigh. Another day, another make maps