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Author Topic: Ufo:AI vs Wesnoth  (Read 3564 times)

Offline shevegen

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Ufo:AI vs Wesnoth
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:19:48 pm »

I'd like to make a little open-ended discussion here.

Before I suggest the topic, I propose a "light rule" so that the discussion doesn't go in a direction where it kills itself again:

-> Let's concentrate specific sections which can interest players, for example graphics, game style, various weakness one game might have whereas the other has not
-> Let's not become too concerned with details. I would like to talk about the overall impression of these games. We can of course discuss about some details,
but if possible I would like to return to the general environment of these games, rather than i.e. specific pictures of a single character ... ;-)
-> Please Participate!

The topic here is about the game Ufo:AI here, and the game Wesnoth. As I believe many knows, Wesnoth is a rather big game by now. The current download has around +200 MB,
and UFO-AI can be compared to this easily (I think UFO-AI is bigger). Of course, the game mechanics can not compared easily because there are many differences. But I do want to point out specific issues, where either one could improve, or learn, from the other project.

* The first thing that crosses my mind is the campaign mode. I think one big advantage Wesnoth has over UFO-AI is that you can choose from so many different campaigns. I know that this concept does not easily relate to UFO-AI, however I think that campaigns give people a clear aim. A goal. A focus. This I think is a very good idea. For Ufo-AI we could concentrate on more details on how to make the aliens more interesting. How to make the story develop more dynamic, maybe add some unexpected plots or twists into the game.
An overall linear plot is ok, but I think without twists the story would become a bit boring.  There are many ways to achieve this... I dont want to get lost in detail, so I propose just a short way.

Picture week 22. The aliens did not show much activity. Then suddenly, they launch multiple attacks:
- They infiltrate the base, and at the same time attack one or two towns. During that attack they also introduce a new weapon(or any other item which the player can then develop). This could be an optional line, a plot which does not always happen, which is not totally needed to end the game, but which might be more interesting and give the game a little twist.
- Rescued civilians may want to help out the earth defenders somehow... perhaps they donate a bit of their money, or time...

* Next thing I believe, one big difference will always be that Wesnoth aims to be very simple. In fact, downright stupid. They wont add new features if they make the game "too complicated". This will forever be a liability for wesnoth. They have purposely limited themselves and thus can not explore more "complex" game dynamics.

* Another thing which is actually a plus for Wesnoth is that various users happily contribute their campaigns. I wonder how much modding could be done in Ufo:AI.  For example, it would be interesting to have a campaign line where it is very hard to find out who is an alien, and who is not. The aliens would actively try to be very sneaky and ... you know, "cloak and dagger" style... or maybe aliens which hypnotize and drink blood ;) gothic-like hehe
Just to try out different things and see if this idea can bring any improvement.

The maps on Wesnoth are very simple, much simpler than in UFO-AI for example. Thus they can easily become bigger. This I believe is a slight limitation in UFO.AI. I think a really big map could be interesting. Maybe not in mainline mode, but I would like to explore a really big map with some "niceties", who knows. Maybe an old army base where robots fight as well... anyone remembers Fallout games? One base was cool, it had deactivated combat robots which were very strong... something like that could be fun to try out in UFO-AI.

Hmm cant think of more right now.... perhaps later :)


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Re: Ufo:AI vs Wesnoth
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 11:47:58 am »

i would love to see some support for multiple "stories/campaigns" in one of the next releases of ufo:ai ...

Some ideas for features

- Support of multiple different planets (e.g. Earth & Moon ... Mars or completly different)

I imagine a selection list in strategy mode where you can switch. Selection list might depend on research ... Could be animated to show the journey but for a first step it should be enough to give an ETA.

- Triggerareas in maps

It would be fun to create maps with areas which create events like 'on enter' or 'on exit' so that
the map creator can bind creation of actors or items, loading of new maps, success or failure on mission to these events to a specific story. This might collide a bit with the generic map usage currently implemented but could increase storytelling.

enough for a first comment ;-)

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Re: Ufo:AI vs Wesnoth
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 02:02:16 am »
For every *nice idea* you should also consider (as good as you can) how much work it will be and who will do that work.
eg. playing on moon and mars would require a completely new group of maps ihmo. Who will create them ?

1. Rescued civilians
I like that idea very much :)
- nations do NOT send soldiers, scientists nor workers
- a percentage of the rescued civs will join x-com
- they turn out to be soldiers, scientists or workers
- make it a switch in gameoptions, coz it'll change gameplay quite a bit
Shouldn't be too much work imho.

2. more and smaller campaigns
I can well imagine that some users want something between a 'full campaign' and skirmish. Let me call that 'scenarios'.
Like in: "The previous commander of x-com turned out to be a fool, so he was fired. You're about to replace him, clean up the rubble and achieve a certain goal." You'll then find yourself in a suboptimal situation (3 bases in Australia, little money and 4 nations angry).
Could rather easily be implemented as
- a library of savegames
- a handful of additional create-scenario-commands (eg. set_money, set_technology,...)
- BUT would require more savgame compatibility
- goal definition and detection might require quite some amount of coding, not sure.

3. distributed map creation
*Tactically interesting* maps are a key feature of UFO imho.
I suppose the creation of a map requires quite a lot of work.
Let's encourage users to group around a map-designer and create *parts* of maps.
I assume the technology is already there, so we 'only' have to provide the infrastructure.