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Author Topic: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors  (Read 19336 times)


  • Guest
R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« on: May 07, 2009, 04:41:04 am »

Sorry to be out of touch for 2 days.... was super sick and MC and resting @ home....

This morning, i came back and TSVN my version to R24362.

I compiled at CB with Rebuild Workspace option and this was the log i got (Tons of errors and wont continue):

Code: [Select]
-------------- Build: windows_debug in game ---------------

Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_ai.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_ai_lua.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_client.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_cmds.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_combat.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_func.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_main.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_phys.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_reaction.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_spawn.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_svcmds.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_trigger.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\g_utils.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\inv_shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lapi.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lauxlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lbaselib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lcode.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ldblib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ldebug.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ldo.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ldump.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lfunc.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lgc.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\linit.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\liolib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\llex.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lmathlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lmem.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\loadlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lobject.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lopcodes.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\loslib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lparser.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lstate.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lstring.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lstrlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ltable.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ltablib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\ltm.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lua.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lundump.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lvm.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\lzio.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\lua\print.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\q_shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\infostring.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\mathlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\parse.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\shared.c
Linking dynamic library: ..\..\base\game.dll
Output size is 1.60 MB

-------------- Build: windows_debug in ufo2map ---------------

Compiling: ..\..\src\common\files.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\ioapi.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\mem.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\routing.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\tracing.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\unzip.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\ports\windows\win_shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\byte.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\entitiesdef.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\mathlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\parse.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\brushbsp.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\bsp.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\check\check.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\check\checkentities.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\check\checklib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\aselib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\bspfile.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\imagelib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\polylib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\scriplib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\trace.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\csg.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\faces.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\levels.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\lighting.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\lightmap.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\map.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\patches.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\portals.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\routing.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\textures.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\threads.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\tree.c
In file included from c:/development/Codeblocks/mingw/include/jpeglib.h:28,
                 from C:\SVN Update\src\tools\ufo2map\/common/imagelib.h:31,
                 from C:\SVN Update\src\tools\ufo2map\/bsp.h:36,
                 from C:\SVN Update\src\tools\ufo2map\threads.c:25:
c:/development/Codeblocks/mingw/include/jconfig.h:25:1: warning: "HAVE_STDLIB_H" redefined
In file included from c:/development/Codeblocks/mingw/include/SDL/SDL_stdinc.h:28,
                 from c:/development/Codeblocks/mingw/include/SDL/SDL_thread.h:31,
                 from C:\SVN Update\src\tools\ufo2map\threads.c:23:
c:/development/Codeblocks/mingw/include/SDL/SDL_config.h:67:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\ufo2map.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\writebsp.c
Linking console executable: ..\..\ufo2map.exe
Output size is 2.19 MB

-------------- Build: windows_debug in ufo_ded ---------------

Compiling: ..\..\src\common\cmd.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\cmodel.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\common.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\cvar.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\dbuffer.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\files.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\http.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\ioapi.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\md4.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\mem.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\msg.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\net.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\netpack.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\pqueue.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\routing.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\scripts.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\tracing.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\unzip.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\inv_shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\game\q_shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\ports\windows\ufo.rc
Compiling: ..\..\src\ports\windows\win_console.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\ports\windows\win_main.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\ports\windows\win_shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_ccmds.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_clientstub.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_game.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_init.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_main.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_send.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_user.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\server\sv_world.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\byte.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\infostring.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\mathlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\parse.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\shared.c
Linking executable: ..\..\ufo_ded.exe
Output size is 1.58 MB

-------------- Build: windows_debug in ufo ---------------

Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_aircraft.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_aircraft_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_airfight.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_alien_interest.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_alienbase.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_aliencont.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_aliencont_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_base.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_base_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_campaign.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_employee.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_employee_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_event.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_fightequip_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_hospital.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_hospital_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_installation.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_installation_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_map.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_mapfightequip.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_market.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_market_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_messageoptions.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_messageoptions_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_messages.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_mission_triggers.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_missions.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_nation.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_nations.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_parse.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_popup.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_produce.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_produce_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_radar.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_rank.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_research.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_research_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_save.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_team.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_team_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_time.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_transfer.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_transfer_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_ufo.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_ufopedia.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_uforecovery.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_uforecovery_callbacks.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\cp_xvi.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_baseattack.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_buildbase.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_harvest.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_intercept.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_recon.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_supply.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_terror.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\campaign\missions\cp_mission_xvi.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\cl_actor.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\cl_cinematic.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\cl_cinematic_roq.c
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:30:18: xvid.h: No such file or directory
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:33:27: theora/theora.h: No such file or directory
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:66: error: syntax error before "xvid_dec_stats_t"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:66: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:71: error: syntax error before "th_info"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:71: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `th_info'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:71: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:72: error: syntax error before "th_comment"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:72: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `th_comment'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:72: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:73: error: syntax error before "th_state"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:73: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `th_state'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:73: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:75: error: syntax error before "th_yuvbuffer"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:75: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `th_yuvbuffer'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:75: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:85: error: syntax error before '}' token
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:85: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `ogmCinematic_t'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:85: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:87: error: syntax error before "ogmCin"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:87: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `ogmCin'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:87: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c: In function `CIN_XVID_Init':
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:99: error: `xvid_gbl_init_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:99: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:99: error: for each function it appears in.)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:99: error: syntax error before "xvid_gbl_init"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:100: error: `xvid_dec_create_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:103: error: `xvid_gbl_init' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:104: error: `xvid_dec_create' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:107: error: `XVID_VERSION' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:112: warning: implicit declaration of function `xvid_global'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:121: warning: implicit declaration of function `xvid_decore'
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:121: error: `XVID_DEC_CREATE' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:123: error: request for member `xvidDecodeHandle' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c: In function `CIN_XVID_Decode':
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:132: error: `xvid_dec_frame_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:132: error: syntax error before "xvid_dec_frame"
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:135: error: `xvid_dec_frame' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:136: error: request for member `xvidDecodeStats' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:136: error: `xvid_dec_stats_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:139: error: `XVID_VERSION' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:140: error: request for member `xvidDecodeStats' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:143: error: `XVID_LOWDELAY' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:150: error: request for member `outputBuffer' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:151: error: request for member `outputWidht' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:152: error: request for member `outputBuffer' in something not a structure or union
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\cl_console.c
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:153: error: `XVID_CSP_NULL' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:155: error: `XVID_CSP_RGBA' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:157: error: request for member `xvidDecodeHandle' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:157: error: `XVID_DEC_DECODE' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:157: error: request for member `xvidDecodeStats' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c: In function `CIN_XVID_Shutdown':
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:166: error: request for member `xvidDecodeHandle' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:167: error: request for member `xvidDecodeHandle' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:167: error: `XVID_DEC_DESTROY' undeclared (first use in this function)
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c: In function `CIN_OGM_LoadBlockToSync':
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:180: error: request for member `ogmFile' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:180: error: request for member `ogmFile' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:181: error: request for member `oy' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:182: error: request for member `ogmFile' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:183: error: request for member `oy' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c: In function `CIN_OGM_LoadPagesToStream':
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:203: error: request for member `oy' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:206: error: request for member `os_audio' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:207: error: request for member `os_audio' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:210: error: request for member `os_video' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:211: error: request for member `os_video' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c: In function `CIN_OGM_LoadAudioFrame':
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:246: error: request for member `vd' in something not a structure or union
C:\SVN Update\src\client\cl_cinematic_ogm.c:248: error: request for member `currentTime' in something not a structure or union
Compiling: ..\..\src\client\cl_game.c
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 44 seconds)
50 errors, 17 warnings
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 44 seconds)
50 errors, 17 warnings

Anyone can advise me on whats going on pls??
Thanks. :)

Offline Destructavator

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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 05:03:25 am »
Anyone can advise me on whats going on pls??

Yes, please read this thread:

Please also note some of the steps I took (on the second page of the thread) to get Ufo.EXE to run without errors.

Hope you feel better soon, BTW.


  • Guest
Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 05:59:20 am »
Yes, please read this thread:

Please also note some of the steps I took (on the second page of the thread) to get Ufo.EXE to run without errors.

Hope you feel better soon, BTW.
Hi Destructavator,

Thanks for the links...

I tried downloading the libiconv2.dll and libintl3.dll, downloaded the new CB package and unpacked it overwriting the old ones.... still getting the same error....

Ani further help??

Thanks for the concerns too, still i am a bit groggy..... lol. With these bugs too, driving me "more mad". lol


  • Guest
Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 07:04:07 am »
Hi Destructavator,

I tried some more things over lunch still could not get it going....

I looked at the logs and realised some errors may help to point to the errors:

Eg, Line 30 :

#include <xvid.h>

The xvid.h, <theora/theora.h>,

I thnk boils down to some of these main files.........

U thnk i missed this theora issue??

Offline Destructavator

  • Combination Multiple Specialty Developer
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  • Posts: 1908
  • Creater of Scorchcrafter, knows the zarakites...
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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 12:45:12 pm »
Muton says he got it to work, I'm going to try his method and see how it works out on my system.

I'd recommend, BTW, not overwriting the old codeblocks with the new one, but instead unzipping the new codeblocks to a new, different folder or directory (As if you were starting from scratch, except you really aren't).


  • Guest
Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2009, 06:01:08 am »
Muton says he got it to work, I'm going to try his method and see how it works out on my system.

I'd recommend, BTW, not overwriting the old codeblocks with the new one, but instead unzipping the new codeblocks to a new, different folder or directory (As if you were starting from scratch, except you really aren't).

Hey Destructavator,

I seemed to try combining Codeblocks and it seemed to hav progressed much further.

Now my errors seemed gtk related:

Code: [Select]
||=== ufo2map, windows_debug ===|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\jconfig.h|25|warning: "HAVE_STDLIB_H" redefined|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\SDL\SDL_config.h|67|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
||=== ufo, windows_debug ===|
C:\SVN Update\src\client\renderer\r_error.h|49|warning: 'R_CheckErrorDebug' defined but not used|
||=== uforadiant, windows_debug ===|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\filechooser.cpp|149|warning: 'shortcutFoldersInBaseDir' defined but not used|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|25|error: gtk/gtkglwidget.h: No such file or directory|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp||In function 'GLFont glfont_create(const char*)':|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|31|error: 'PangoFontDescription' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|31|error: 'font_desc' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|31|error: 'pango_font_description_from_string' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|33|error: 'PangoFont' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|33|error: 'font' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|33|error: 'gdk_gl_font_use_pango_font' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|36|error: 'PangoFontMetrics' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|36|error: 'font_metrics' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|36|error: 'pango_font_get_metrics' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|38|error: 'pango_font_metrics_get_ascent' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|39|error: 'pango_font_metrics_get_descent' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|40|error: 'PANGO_PIXELS' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|42|error: 'pango_font_metrics_unref' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|45|error: 'pango_font_description_free' was not declared in this scope|
||=== Build finished: 15 errors, 6 warnings ===|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|29|error: gtk/gtkglwidget.h: No such file or directory|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|45|error: 'GDK_GL_RGBA' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|46|error: 'GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|47|error: 'GDK_GL_BUFFER_SIZE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|48|error: 'GDK_GL_ATTRIB_LIST_NONE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|52|error: 'GDK_GL_RGBA' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|53|error: 'GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|54|error: 'GDK_GL_BUFFER_SIZE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|55|error: 'GDK_GL_ATTRIB_LIST_NONE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|69|error: expected initializer before '*' token|
||=== Build finished: 25 errors, 6 warnings ===|

Here's wat i did:
1) Used back my old working CB (original from wiki).
2) Downloaded Mattn's latest CB, extracted the MingGW stuff

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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2009, 07:09:05 am »
Hmmm... This issue seems to be very technical and a bit beyond my expertise - I've done plenty of programming and coding before, worked with other IDEs, but I'm new to Codeblocks and know less about C/C++ than Java and other languages.  I think I'm going to let Mattn, Muton, and other coders work this out in the other thread.  I'm sure there's a solution, but the others would probably be more likely to find it than I would.

In the meantime, I've got a few ideas for the gunshot sounds I might try...


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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2009, 07:12:50 am »
Hmmm... This issue seems to be very technical and a bit beyond my expertise - I've done plenty of programming and coding before, worked with other IDEs, but I'm new to Codeblocks and know less about C/C++ than Java and other languages.  I think I'm going to let Mattn, Muton, and other coders work this out in the other thread.  I'm sure there's a solution, but the others would probably be more likely to find it than I would.

In the meantime, I've got a few ideas for the gunshot sounds I might try...

Thanks Destructavator....

Actually, i used to be a C programmer.... lol. Abt 10 years back from sch and after sch.... for my FYP (Final year proj) it was a c project too..... just tat i have lost touch and getting lazier.... :P

Nvm, i saw mattn suggesting some CB new package? hmmmm, trying it and waiting for him to show me the direct latest link.... so mani on sites now i am confused BIG time. lol.

happy gunshooting......

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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2009, 07:20:04 am »
Yeah, I started out programming on Commodore computers way back in the '80s as a child, various languages, even got to work with assembly language on those things.  I also wrote a lot of games for the Commodore 64, but often got frustrated because I constantly wanted something for a game that computers - any typical home computer at the time - just wasn't capable of because the technology wasn't developed to where it is now.  Things sure have changed...


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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2009, 07:52:36 am »
Yeah, I started out programming on Commodore computers way back in the '80s as a child, various languages, even got to work with assembly language on those things.  I also wrote a lot of games for the Commodore 64, but often got frustrated because I constantly wanted something for a game that computers - any typical home computer at the time - just wasn't capable of because the technology wasn't developed to where it is now.  Things sure have changed...
I agree i agree! Computers have evolved TONS. i still rmbr my first AT and XT..... fonds of those 4 colors screen. lol

Ops.... sidetracked. Lol.

Okie, i tried using CB 5545, I need to know why the gtk not working as like last time....
I tried including the 2 files i mentioned earlier and i looked into the codes:
Code: [Select]

gboolean      gtk_widget_set_gl_capability (GtkWidget    *widget,
                                            GdkGLConfig  *gl_config,
                                            GdkGLContext *share_list,
                                            gboolean      direct,
                                            int           render_type);

gboolean      gtk_widget_is_gl_capable     (GtkWidget    *widget);

See that GdkGLConfig *gl_config......?

That is where the codes' stuck..... i am not familar with gtkradiant at all.... anione can advise on tat?
Whether the 2 header files are valid at all... (See attached zip file i have attached earlier)

Ops, my bad.... the file is here attached again for all.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 07:55:56 am by odie »

Offline Mattn

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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2009, 07:20:56 am »
the problem with uforadiant is that there is no build for gtkglext available for windows - so someone has to build this on his own and upload it somewhere (then someone can integrate this into the script).


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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2009, 07:34:13 pm »
the problem with uforadiant is that there is no build for gtkglext available for windows - so someone has to build this on his own and upload it somewhere (then someone can integrate this into the script).

Yikes...... oh dear dear... is there anyone who knows how to build one?? Hmmm, looks like after this, someone would need to consolidate a new CB package with MingGW for compilers......

I dun mind... just tat i do not know how to build the gtkglext for uforadiant..... any ways we can move on from here??

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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2009, 09:15:17 pm »
updated c::b package is available


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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2009, 05:31:30 am »
updated c::b package is available

Hi Mattn,

I have sent u an email on this.....

Tried downloading from the wiki Codeblocks again.

The CB new log build log is:
Code: [Select]
||=== ufo2map, windows_debug ===|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\jconfig.h|25|warning: "HAVE_STDLIB_H" redefined|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\SDL\SDL_config.h|67|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
||=== ufo, windows_debug ===|
C:\SVN Update\src\client\renderer\r_error.h|49|warning: 'R_CheckErrorDebug' defined but not used|
||=== uforadiant, windows_debug ===|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\filechooser.cpp|149|warning: 'shortcutFoldersInBaseDir' defined but not used|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|25|error: gtk/gtkglwidget.h: No such file or directory|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp||In function 'GLFont glfont_create(const char*)':|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|31|error: 'PangoFontDescription' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|31|error: 'font_desc' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|31|error: 'pango_font_description_from_string' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|33|error: 'PangoFont' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|33|error: 'font' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|33|error: 'gdk_gl_font_use_pango_font' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|36|error: 'PangoFontMetrics' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|36|error: 'font_metrics' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|36|error: 'pango_font_get_metrics' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|38|error: 'pango_font_metrics_get_ascent' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|39|error: 'pango_font_metrics_get_descent' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|40|error: 'PANGO_PIXELS' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|42|error: 'pango_font_metrics_unref' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glfont.cpp|45|error: 'pango_font_description_free' was not declared in this scope|
||=== Build finished: 15 errors, 6 warnings ===|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|29|error: gtk/gtkglwidget.h: No such file or directory|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|45|error: 'GDK_GL_RGBA' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|46|error: 'GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|47|error: 'GDK_GL_BUFFER_SIZE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|48|error: 'GDK_GL_ATTRIB_LIST_NONE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|52|error: 'GDK_GL_RGBA' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|53|error: 'GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|54|error: 'GDK_GL_BUFFER_SIZE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|55|error: 'GDK_GL_ATTRIB_LIST_NONE' was not declared in this scope|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\glwidget.cpp|69|error: expected initializer before '*' token|
||=== Build finished: 25 errors, 6 warnings ===|

For reference, my cb downloaded was from here.
UFOAI Wiki Codeblocks

Any advise?

And from another thread, if i were to use Mattn's CB, and Muton's patches, here's the conversation:

Haha  ;D  ;D  ;D
I've got gdkglext-win32-1.0 compiled

than there is an error in radiant.cbp
<Add library="libgdk-pixbuf-2.0" />
<Add library="libgdk_pixbuf-2.0" />

I've made a diff packet
based on the latest

Okie, made more progress for me....

If i use just Mattn's codeblocks alone, the error i get is:

Code: [Select]
||=== ufo2map, windows_debug ===|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\jconfig.h|25|warning: "HAVE_STDLIB_H" redefined|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\SDL\SDL_config.h|67|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
||=== ufo, windows_debug ===|
C:\SVN Update\src\client\renderer\r_error.h|49|warning: 'R_CheckErrorDebug' defined but not used|
||=== uforadiant, windows_debug ===|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\filechooser.cpp|149|warning: 'shortcutFoldersInBaseDir' defined but not used|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp||In function 'void exec_spawn_process(ExecCmd*, void (*)(void*))':|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp|196|warning: statement has no effect|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp||In function 'void exec_run(Exec*)':|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp|396|warning: statement has no effect|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\stdlib.h|365|error: 'void free(void*)' redeclared as different kind of symbol|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\libxml\xmlmemory.h|66|error: previous declaration of 'void (* free)(void*)'|
..\..\src\tools\radiant\libs\math\aabb.h|233|warning: 'aabb_normals' defined but not used|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 9 warnings ===|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 9 warnings ===|

If i used Muton's MingGW and extract into the Mattn's copy, and overwrite, i would have problem starting it up, with the error - See attached.

And if i insist on going on with the compilations, the error i would get is:

Code: [Select]
||=== ufo2map, windows_debug ===|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\jconfig.h|25|warning: "HAVE_STDLIB_H" redefined|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\SDL\SDL_config.h|67|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
||=== ufo, windows_debug ===|
C:\SVN Update\src\client\renderer\r_error.h|49|warning: 'R_CheckErrorDebug' defined but not used|
||=== uforadiant, windows_debug ===|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
||warning: command line option "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\libs\gtkutil\filechooser.cpp|149|warning: 'shortcutFoldersInBaseDir' defined but not used|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp||In function 'void exec_spawn_process(ExecCmd*, void (*)(void*))':|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp|196|warning: statement has no effect|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp||In function 'void exec_run(Exec*)':|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\exec.cpp|396|warning: statement has no effect|
..\..\src\tools\radiant\include\igl.h|989|warning: "GL_LOGIC_OP" redefined|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\GL\gl.h|394|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
..\..\src\tools\radiant\include\igl.h|990|warning: "GL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS" redefined|
c:\development\Codeblocks\mingw\include\GL\gl.h|626|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
C:\SVN Update\src\tools\radiant\radiant\server.cpp|194|warning: 'dllimport' attribute ignored|
ld.exe||cannot find -lgdk-pixbuf-2.0|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 13 warnings ===|

Did i do something wrong here?

PS: When overwriting the files into Mattn's directory (with Muton's), i did notice that whilst some files are newer (Muton's newer than Mattn's), quite a nos of files are older (Muton's older than Mattn's).... and file sizes whilst some are same, most are different.....

Any advise??
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 07:06:34 am by odie »

Offline Muton

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Re: R24362 - Codeblocks: Compilation Errors
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2009, 07:52:29 am »
i start to think you are like this dog ;)

Just freeze for a moment and look at this error

ld.exe||cannot find -lgdk-pixbuf-2.0|
Thats a linking problem (ld.exe)

I told already
than there is an error in radiant.cbp
<Add library="libgdk-pixbuf-2.0" />
<Add library="libgdk_pixbuf-2.0" />

The filename is libgdk_pixbuf-2.0
but C::B files want to link libgdk-pixbuf-2.0
and cant find it