Looks like indeed a faithful remake. All the best! I wont mind being your beta tester once an Alpha or beta version is out ..... 
Unfortunately, it wont be open source..... awwwwwwwww... btw, wat programming r u using? Java based?
I'm not the author, i'm just a messenger

As for your question - he is using c++ and direct X.
About open sourcing - i've tried to convince him on project xenocide forum, but without any luck. Maybe you people would like to try

Or maybe we should wait until he will change his mind.
As for this project, i think it's quite interesting. Honestly i waited for such project for long time. UFO: AI is great, but it would still be interesting to play original ufo on new engine, with higher resolution (like in ufo2000), with some new cool additions.
There are many projects with engine reimplementations, like open transport tycoon for ttd, exult for ultima, fheroes2 for homm2, and far far more. It would be nice if someone could make such project for ufo.
I also have another idea. Maybe some of you guys with high diplomacy skill could contact pocket ufo team and ask them for source code. AFAIK they reimplemented whole game. Such project could be converted into full pc port, taking advantages of higher resolution, pc mouse etc.