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Author Topic: The False World Online  (Read 9895 times)

Offline vedrit

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The False World Online
« on: April 18, 2009, 04:27:33 am »
Well, this is a game that I am the head developer of. The old site is here, with a new one being made.
Most of the stuff on that site is a bit old, though, and its not online until we can get a server with MySQL, but the development is moving.

There currently is no demo, for various reasons, main being that, with just me, my webmaster, and my slacker coder, there are too many things that I cant do that are preventing a demo worth playing to be put out.

So, with so many talented people here, I say: Want to work on the game with me? Great, chances are that the spot you're looking for is open

Offline Destructavator

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 04:45:17 am »
Right now I don't have time to take on many additional projects (something which might change down the road, I'd let you know if it does), but more recently I've updated licenses to the work I've contributed here (for UFO:AI) so that what I've offered to UFO:AI can be used under the same CC (Creative Commons) license for other projects without any special or additional restrictions.

In other words, if you like any of the music tracks I've put together, or any other stuff I've made for UFO AI, I wouldn't have any problem if you used them for your own project, under the same license.

That's about the best I could offer right now, if I get more spare time later I'll take a closer look at your project.

FYI - I'm also working on updating some of the tracks here, some of the old ones are a bit dated and will be replaced with better re-makes at some point.

I don't know if my tracks will fit your project or not, but it's an option if you want it, now or any time in the future.

Edit: I've also got some sound FX in the data source that might or might not be useful, you'd have to dig through the SVN and look at which ones were created by myself.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 04:47:30 am by Destructavator »

Offline BTAxis

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 11:31:03 am »
You can use all of UFO:AI's content, in theory, but you'd have to keep the licenses. That game didn't strike me as open-source, though, so maybe that's a problem?

Offline Destructavator

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 06:09:21 pm »
You can use all of UFO:AI's content, in theory, but you'd have to keep the licenses. That game didn't strike me as open-source, though, so maybe that's a problem?

That's a good point - that old website doesn't really give a lot of details about that project, unless I missed an "about" page somewhere...  (No offense intended, Vedrit - could you elaborate a little on details of the project and what type it is?)

Offline geever

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2009, 08:20:18 pm »
I've opened that page recently and it gave me no information about the game at all. Maybe I missed the About page too. ;)



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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2009, 08:53:33 am »
Well, this is a game that I am the head developer of. The old site is here, with a new one being made.
Most of the stuff on that site is a bit old, though, and its not online until we can get a server with MySQL, but the development is moving.

There currently is no demo, for various reasons, main being that, with just me, my webmaster, and my slacker coder, there are too many things that I cant do that are preventing a demo worth playing to be put out.

So, with so many talented people here, I say: Want to work on the game with me? Great, chances are that the spot you're looking for is open

HI vedrit,

Was at the site you mentioned earlier.... looks very uninformative....  :-X

What kind of game isit?? Looks like a FPS (First player shooter) styled RPG?

The graphics looks a bit premature too, i meant old styled....
U have more details of the style of game this is, and is it in English btw? :)

Offline vedrit

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2009, 10:47:53 pm »
Sorry for the delayed response
As I said, the site is very old, and so is seriously neglected.
View are either first person or follow (As is with most RPGs(Yes, its an RPG))
The graphics is partly because the engine is still in development (Just got NVidia PhysX a couple weeks ago), and the other part is because most of what you see, if not all, is all prefadricated (premade), and usually is lower quality. I've made a few models, which havent made it into those screenshots.

No, there isnt a missed About page. Again, neglected.
At the moment, considering the lack of translators on the dev team, its only in English, though there is considerable room for translation.

Im not sure what to do about licensing, considering, hopefully, if the future, there will be an item shop using real money, and, as happens to all games that have real money involved on a player basis, people will try and create completely free versions, which would be really bad for the game, using any accurate models they can get.
The gamer part of me wants to say "Open source it all. Let people go to town on it." but the buisness part says "Encrypt, hide, whatever you need so there are no unofficial copies of TFW."

Basic stoyline of the game. Two known nations, northernmost is the Delsrup Rebulic, consisting of your run-of-the-mill "good" guys (Elves, humans, dwarves, etc), the sourthernmost is the Demonic Kingdom (Dark Elves, trolls, etc) (Not saying good or bad for either one because good and evil are just opinions)
Each nation has thier own continent, seperated by island chains and oceans. The main chain of islands are the Mid-Isles (Unimaginative, I know), which were once beautiful, but have been destroyed from centuries of war between the two nations.
The Demoninc Kingdom is a mostly desertous place, with few places for farming. After diplomacy failed, they went to war, trying to take the fertile Mid-Isles, which were claimed by the then king of Delsrup, by force.
There are(Will be) many classes, aswell as non-combat quests, and chances to "play both sides" or be a nomad, or even a diplomat. Maybe even a ruler
(Suddenly short on time, so cant elaborate at the moment.)

Offline Destructavator

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 11:25:40 pm »
Although I don't claim to be an expert in the gaming industry, I'd imagine you might have a hard time making your project a commercial one successfully simply because of the massive number of people out there that I've heard are trying to make an online RPG-type of game.  I'm not the type that's "heavy" into gaming, but I've seen games of the type you're proposing in various stages of development everywhere.  I'm not trying to discourage or get you down when I say these things, but I would think from a realistic standpoint that if you were to make it commercial and want it to succeed, you would have to already have a strong development team and really develop something *unique* and *different* that stands out from all those other similar projects, not to mention being prepared for the massive amount of work involved.

Like I've said, these things are all over the place, many of them not even being all that original, and when I see these it brings to mind: "Oh, gee, *another* online middle-age fantasy RPG..."

Please understand I'm not trying to be insulting, but if you don't already have a large and strong dev team, you might have better chances joining up with others who are trying to do the same thing already (they're everywhere!) unless, as I said, you develop something very unique that really stands out from all the others.

Just my thoughts...

Offline BTAxis

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 11:27:33 pm »
The point where it broke down for me was the shop that uses real money.

Offline vedrit

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 12:36:31 am »
I understand completely. But 5 years ago, when I started working on it, the industry wasnt as big. Still big, yes, but not as big. And hopefully, the thing that will set this apart from the rest is a RTS component that, hopefully, if a coder that can code the system can be found, will be put it.
Since its a war game, I thought that being able to conquer territory was a must, and that pvp was kinda dry. So the idea was to allow for nation/guild(or whatever they end up being called. Someone suggested calling them "Communities" or something like that) to recruit NPC armies, and spend in-game money and resources to fortify towns, or higher mercinaries (NPC or player) to patrol roads.

and BT: This was my comprimise. I hate games that are heavy on real-world money (Account subscriptions, unpaid players have demo-worthy stuff, etc), but, you know, I wanted to give something real back to those that worked on the game. I dont intend for the game to replace jobs, support families, etc, nor do I want players to be dependant on it. The stuff that will be in it is still indebate, aswell as its existence itself
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 12:38:50 am by vedrit »

Offline BTAxis

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2009, 12:54:43 am »
Hey, you don't need to defend your game here, it's up to you what you do with it.

Offline vedrit

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2009, 01:15:39 am »
I dont want the wrong ideas floating around. And besides, aside from a complete genre shift, almost anythings possible (I say almost because the source for the engine isnt out, so fine tweaking cant be done yet. And just for clarification, the engine, Realm Crafter, is a RPG-focused GUE)


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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2009, 04:44:32 am »
Although I don't claim to be an expert in the gaming industry, I'd imagine you might have a hard time making your project a commercial one successfully simply because of the massive number of people out there that I've heard are trying to make an online RPG-type of game.  I'm not the type that's "heavy" into gaming, but I've seen games of the type you're proposing in various stages of development everywhere.  I'm not trying to discourage or get you down when I say these things, but I would think from a realistic standpoint that if you were to make it commercial and want it to succeed, you would have to already have a strong development team and really develop something *unique* and *different* that stands out from all those other similar projects, not to mention being prepared for the massive amount of work involved.

Like I've said, these things are all over the place, many of them not even being all that original, and when I see these it brings to mind: "Oh, gee, *another* online middle-age fantasy RPG..."

Please understand I'm not trying to be insulting, but if you don't already have a large and strong dev team, you might have better chances joining up with others who are trying to do the same thing already (they're everywhere!) unless, as I said, you develop something very unique that really stands out from all the others.

Just my thoughts...

Hi vedrit,

Wow, like Destructavator said, i thnk what u r embarking on is truly daunting, if not almost impossible - if u do not have a strong team of developers who are uber committed.

I know many many (MANY) MMORPGs out there - many free, and most are beautifully crafted. Just check filefront's RPG section and u see way above 1/2 of em MMORPGs beautifully available for download and play and for free!

I thnk if u want to make a game, u might be better off trying to make it totally free.....
In fact, as an avid gamer (known as odiewoof on runescape - one of the top F2p <free to play> players, odiewoof on Conqueronline, odiewoof in flyff....and quite a few more), i enjoyed good games.... until they introduced the ability to be lazy by buying things online with hard cash.

This pissed off players who worked to build up their accnt thru genuine play as rich brats come online with uber good equip n start spoiling the game usually for most players. Hence, they (we) leave.....

For your reference. :)

As for the genre / uniqueness of play, i dunno abt u or most out there. But i noticed that there are hardly mech-like or hacker-like games.....

Good games in this genre are like:
Gearhard for mech genre, and decker (primitive) or uplink in the hacker genre.

Offline vedrit

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Re: The False World Online
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2009, 05:27:03 am »
As a fellow avid gamer (Spend several hours a day with several games running at the same time(Had to upgrade the system for that)), I completely understand. Like I said, I didnt want players to be reliant on it. It might not even exist, its all up in the air.

I had a few other, really interesting ideas that were far easier, but my obstacle was that, since I figured it would be just me for a long while, I had to work with what I had, which was a lot of pre-fab middle-age fantasy stuff. Unless I shut down everything I've already done, go hunting for what sci-fi stuff I could, and make what I couldnt find, and re-design the interface and world, the stuff will wait until either TFW is done, or is completely destroyed.

Dont mention daunting. If no one reminds me its dauting, I wont think about it and I can get stuff done.
A 3-4 year project, due to various small things, has pushed into a 10-12 year project, longer if I change anything....

Check out Anarchy Online. Its a preatty cool futureistic game, though I didnt get hooked...


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Re: Arnarchy Online
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2009, 04:45:12 am »
Check out Anarchy Online. Its a preatty cool futureistic game, though I didnt get hooked...

Ooooo, u know the game too! :P

Was almost tempted into starting it, it looks cool alrite. lol.

:P Very cools very cools. :)