General > Discussion
Fantastic Remake!! (Introduction) (Finished 2.2.1) (My Thoughts and feedback)
--- Quote from: BTAxis on April 02, 2009, 01:52:44 pm ---Hmm, I changed it, but now a lot of the borders are gone too... I know how to fix it, but I rely on other people to temporarily make the css writeable.
--- End quote ---
Despite of the border lines: Quoting looks much better that way - thanks!
I believe you just changed the color code to that of the standard background?
May be some slightly lighter grey instead could bring back lines without breaking the design...
BTW, do you also sleep sometimes? ;)
But now whole forum is broke, there is no vertical borders in topic and theme view.
I have a question: Progress in the campaign I'm currently playing seems to have stalled. I have no more stuff to research, and every battle is extremely easy. Have I reached the "end" of the existing content (2.2.1 stable version), or is there something I need to do to trigger the end game? Should I start over using the development version?
2.2.1 has no real end, you probably got everything there is.
Okay, borders are back. It should look almost the same as before, except for too many borders in some places, and I don't think I can get rid of that (except by breaking the preview again).
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