I think the look of the dev branch is way better than the old one. I see no reason to change it.
I can think of several:
1. "Contrast" and "Brightness" are bad names -- they have horrid baggage. Exactly what do they mean? Are they light TV sets, where one is "black level" and the other is "gamma" -- no, you've got a gamma. So what do they do?
2. What if I have a calibrated monitor? Suddenly, I have to use a single number for gamma that fails to take into account bright versus dark differences?
3. What if my three colors are different adjusts? In my case, with just a single "gamma" number I have a horrible blue color-cast on my screen.
There is no "Leave screen unchanged" option. I deal with multiple systems by having each system calibrated as best I can with a good calibration tool for that system -- there is no way that a generic single-number calibration tool can compare to a system specific per-color tool.
Can you tell me briefly what "brightness" does? Does it affect white level? Black level? Midtones? How about contrast? Does it actually run a "sharpening" or "blurring" pass on the display based on how high/low it is set? Is it sharpening, or unsharp mask? Don't those have two parameters, not just one?
PLEASE, don't just say "Oh, look, more Tv-like controls, that's good".
Grumble grumble personal-itch-to-scratch grumble grumble.