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Author Topic: Error  (Read 3290 times)


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« on: March 04, 2009, 02:45:14 am »
Vista 64 SP1

1. start time and it crashes pretty fast  (cp_missions.c line 779)
    !mission->ufo || !mission->ufo->detected

2. stiletto image is messed up

3. in missions, the 2nd floor of the alien ship is not passable

4. in farm map  the alien behind fence is completely covered, in fact the fence acts like a solid wall

Feature requests:

Soldier names should be editable in the screen where I equip them
it would be nice to show better soldier stats in above screen (include missions and kills)
it would be nice the display the stats in  a two shade color (the initial and then the improvements)
i.e. speed:  =======------ where === is the initial stat and --- is the improvement so far

and lastly to cheer mattn up, IN GAME SAVE please


[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Error
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 02:57:18 am »
You realize that everything in your post is either a) useless b) already reported/suggested or c) trolling, right?


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Re: Error
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 03:08:51 am »
nope, had no idea,  i am playing again after a year


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Re: Error
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 03:19:53 am »
You could be nicer about saying that though BT  ;)

I will go into more detail for him

Before posting, please read sticky's, especially when they are titled Read this before you post a bug report
That thread's linked wiki article explains what is necessary in a bug report, and links to the list of already reported bugs. I will not fault you for not knowing of already reported bugs, but your reports themselves require improvement.

1. start time and it crashes pretty fast  (cp_missions.c line 779)
    !mission->ufo || !mission->ufo->detected
This does not make sense. What about start time? What is the context and source of this error message?

2. stiletto image is messed up
In what screen? A screenshot is necessary.

3. in missions, the 2nd floor of the alien ship is not passable
What missions? Which alien ship? What do you mean by "not passable? Not accessible or what? Screenshots may help here.

4. in farm map  the alien behind fence is completely covered, in fact the fence acts like a solid wall
The game's maps are randomly generated. A screenshot is necessary.

Feature requests:

Soldier names should be editable in the screen where I equip them
This would be nice to have, not a "should". Do not instruct, but rather inform of your opinions.

it would be nice to show better soldier stats in above screen (include missions and kills)
Much better wording, this is a valid suggestion.

it would be nice the display the stats in  a two shade color (the initial and then the improvements)
i.e. speed:  =======------ where === is the initial stat and --- is the improvement so far
Again, valid suggestion, and one I agree with.

and lastly to cheer mattn up, IN GAME SAVE please
Without "to cheer mattn up" you would be among the ranks of a great many ignorant, and therefore forgiven, players. With "to cheer mattn up" you are clearly trying to inflame opinions. If you have not noticed, the devs are not hesitant in the least to give you, and your thread a few choice smacks with a padlock. Be nice, and you will be listened to. Be argumentative and trollish, and you will be shunned and ignored. Do not have your valid ideas thrown out merely because of a few words at the end of your post, it is not worth your time.


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Re: Error
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2009, 03:50:29 am »

the part about "IN GAME SAVE please" was just a joke on an old discussion. thought it would be funny, clearly it was not


1. I've attached a save game (zip) in the original post, once you load up the savegame and click time lapse (by minutes or hour) the game crashes

2. go to base , click production, tab to Aircraft category, select stiletto, the image to right is messed up

2.1 go to base, click buy sell ..., right click on the next category, it crashes after aircraft
(assersion failed) v:\MinGw\ufoai\src\client\campaigb\cp_....callback.c Line 389

3. I see the posts about path finding issues . from in mission i meant UFO landing sites, the soldiers go up the ramp but  can not walk to 2nd floor of the ufo

4. did not mean to instruct . my bad

Offline geever

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Re: Error
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2009, 11:24:38 am »
first of all: Which revision?

1: It's an assert if I'm right, but I'm not sure if it's a bug or a minor compatibility break in savegames. If you could reproduce it with a new game...
2: Known
2.1: RudolfoWood fixed somehing like this yesterday IIRC. Aand:
(assersion failed) v:\MinGw\ufoai\src\client\campaigb\cp_....callback.c Line 389
you ...-ed a very important point. :)
3: Most stairs are too steep for the current code. Known, WIP (?).
4. Known.

- soldier names are editable at more places, I'm not sure if needed. But one more doable.
-soldier stats panel is a nightmare. It takes too much space, much menunodes in it and strings which can break if too long.... If there is any more space kills&missions can be put in else not.
-we don't store initial stats (AFAIK) so it's not possible. It's another topic if it worths store them (the quick answer is no.)



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Re: Error
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2009, 05:04:30 pm »
the save game was created with ufoai-2.3-dev-win32-22955 and the crash continued to occur after applying ufoai_2.3-dev_23205_diff_2 and I can not re-produce it with new games. the  "....." part is exactly in the message I get in widows dialog box.

the point to soldier stat/name: (and I realize that this is a habit from old XCom and how it worked) The soldiers in xcom were not equally talented, that is some of them did not improve much and some of them improved fast over the time. so the player was better off firing weak soldiers and hire new ones to create stronger squads.
another twist is that after a while soldiers are too good and they stop improving, in that case a player may want to hire a few new soldiers to train and expand the squad

in ufoai I have no idea how the soldiers are improving, I use soldier name to record stat and the only place I can edit names is in "Hire Employee" screen.