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Author Topic: A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)  (Read 7461 times)

Offline cypher

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A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)
« on: February 23, 2009, 06:01:08 am »
First of all, I want to thank you developers for this game. Both I, (dad) and kids really like this game.

Secondly I have a bug, my os is Slackware 12.2 (latest version). I have the latest nvidia driver. My issue is when I abort the mission and go back to base, when the ship reaches base the game crashes. I can repeat it over and over again.

Thirdly, the noob questions. BTW, I did not research all of the following topics but, I could not find many of the issues in the manual.

1. How do you capture living alians?
2. How do you capture ufos?
3. How do you find items on a map? I look in all of the rooms but when finished, I only found 3 or 4 items out of thirty something. Why is that?
4. Why is it that when I look at descriptions of items, I only see something like "....txt"
5. How to I increase credits (money)? As I play the game,  the credits go lower and lower.
6. How do I shoot ufos? That is either from attack ships or from missile  bases?

Thank you in advance

Offline thunktone

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Re: A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 09:38:07 am »
1. You can't at the start of the game. Research opens up a couple of options later on.
2. By winning tactical battles.
3. If it says 3/40 it means you got 40 items of three different types.
4. Not noticed that one.
5. You get funds from the different nations at the start of each month depending on how happy they are. You can also sell equipment and ufos.
6. Click the ufo a couple of times and a menu should pop up to select ships or bases to attack it with.

Offline geever

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Re: A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 02:19:14 pm »
4. Maybe your language definition files (*.mo) are missing. did you compile them (make lang)? (*_txts are placeholders for longer texts)


Offline Lew Yard

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Re: A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 06:15:10 pm »
1. How do you capture living alians?

First, do an autopsy so you understand more of their physiology.  That'll open up more research so you can build a stun rod -- that'll do for a start, although it's bulky and melee-only.

Oh, and you'll need a place to put them, and equipment to keep them alive.

2. How do you capture ufos?

On occasion you'll get a mission to deal with a landed UFO.  Kill the aliens, take the ship.  If you shot down the UFO yourself, it'll likely be too damaged to use except for parts. 

Regarding damage, don't worry about damaging the ship *during* the fight.  Doesn't happen, AFAICT -- so bring the grenade launcher.


5. How to I increase credits (money)? As I play the game,  the credits go lower and lower.

Sponsor nations pay you at the end of each month.  Keep 'em happy -- i.e. do missions promptly and save the civvies.  And yes, the loot can be sold as well if you need the money or space. 

6. How do I shoot ufos? That is either from attack ships or from missile  bases?

Interceptors will need sufficient range, plus an equipped weapon w/ appropriate ammo.   A missile battery building requires an installed AA51 launcher (does not come included), and there must be AA missiles (ditto) in the inventory... and the range is fairly short, too.  Click the UFO, select the interceptor or base to get the latter to target the former.

Offline cypher

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Re: A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2009, 02:18:09 am »
Wow! Thanks a bunch for the help.
RE #4, I will look into compiling options for english.

So maybe when I start the game, I should probably not hire too many employees. I noticed that my money (credits) keeps going down.

What do you suggest to produce first?
A .Additional weapons?
B. The interceptor that looks like the stealth bomber + the SR71 put together.
C. missile defense? 

So during a mission, to gather items as reported at the end of the mission,  you just walk in a room or walk up to items in the room?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 02:23:21 am by cypher »

Offline Coconut Jonlan

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Re: A bunch of noob questions and many thanks :)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 03:04:14 am »
Wow! Thanks a bunch for the help.
RE #4, I will look into compiling options for english.

So maybe when I start the game, I should probably not hire too many employees. I noticed that my money (credits) keeps going down.

What do you suggest to produce first?
A .Additional weapons?
B. The interceptor that looks like the stealth bomber + the SR71 put together.
C. missile defense? 

So during a mission, to gather items as reported at the end of the mission,  you just walk in a room or walk up to items in the room?

First research priority should be some decent weapons - the laser rifle is an excellent all round weapon and will last long into the game until all the aliens are heavily armoured - by then you'll have had plenty of time to have researched other weapons anyway.
So reseacrh continuous wave laster - then laser rifle - then DF cartridge.

Next up you'll need to improve your troops survivability - so research alien armour - then nano armour.

While you are waiting for your first research projects to ensd so you can begin production of lasers, I suggest you install a SAM launcher and produce missiles for it.

You don't need to manually gather items during combat missions - this happens automatically at the end of a mission.

To capture UFOs you will need a landed UFO mission - these come up randomly after a few months - and you will need a small UFO hangar at your base.

Production of useful items tends to be very slow to begin with - increase production capacity by building a second workshop in your main base - and then a second base with two further workshops after a few months - as soon as you have the cash.

Same goes for research - aim to have 2 labs at your main base - and a third base with another 2 - that way if things turn really bad and you lose a base, you'll still have research and production capability.