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Author Topic: equipment bug  (Read 9455 times)

Offline Coconut Jonlan

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equipment bug
« on: February 21, 2009, 06:05:07 pm »

(V. 2.2.1 windows32)

In a game yesterday I managed to stun 3 soldiers accidently with a gas grenade ( trust me to give it to a girl to throw it).

The remaining soldiers completed the mission so the stunned soldiers survived, however upon returning to the base, their equipment had dissapeared.

Is this supposed to happen ?- if so why because it doesn't really make sense - or is this a bug?

Offline vedrit

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2009, 06:40:14 pm »
I may be wrong, but I think that there has always been a problem with recovering equipment. You cant pick equipment off the ground, and if its human equipment, then its basically lost.
Again, I could be wrong

Offline mattheus

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2009, 06:42:54 pm »
Version 2.2.1 is not anymore in work. Because almost everything has been changed in between, this version bugs dont make any sens now. Check out 2.3 development version if you want to be helpful.

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2009, 06:44:22 pm »
Ive played the latest revision of 2.3, and the onlything I see to be recovered off of fallen soldiers is the armor

Offline geever

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2009, 08:22:53 pm »
Again, aren't weapons set to be autosold? (Newly researched items have autosell enabled by default)


Offline Valis

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 09:06:28 am »
Newly researched items have autosell enabled by default

This is strange and bothering. Autosell should be under player control and off by default.

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 03:03:26 pm »
I agree with that last point:  I can see how autosell can be useful if the player desires it, but I find the fact that it turns on automatically to be very annoying.  Perhaps it could be adjusted in the main menu options somewhere?

Offline vedrit

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 11:28:30 pm »
I think autosell should be default on for items that cant be used (alien armor) after research


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2009, 10:10:21 am »
I think autosell should be default on for items that cant be used (alien armor) after research

Yes i agree. Incidentally, i went back to UFO Terror from the deep and Enemies Unknown (Yes, i have the original version with box and all. lol). The habit for those are too -> If new, unresearched - dun sell. If old and existing with research done, can sell.

We should have autosell off by default. Just for the experience and sensibility's sake. :)

Offline Duke

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2009, 12:34:19 am »
We should have autosell off by default.
I agree. Never try to make the machine smarter than the player ;)

I can also confirm the 'loss of equipment of stunned soldiers'-bug for 2.2.1.
Unless it has been fixed, it's probably still in 2.3 trunk code.


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2009, 09:38:59 pm »
The habit for those are too -> If new, unresearched - dun sell. If old and existing with research done, can sell.
I'd even propose "If new, unresearched, sell all but one kept for research purposes".

Offline geever

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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2009, 10:52:57 pm »
I'd even propose "If new, unresearched, sell all but one kept for research purposes".

Is this still for autosell? If so It's not a good idea, as we cannot know if that will be valuable later.



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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2009, 03:24:00 am »
I'd even propose "If new, unresearched, sell all but one kept for research purposes".

Actually, i dun think that is a good idea. Esp since we cannot replicate alot of the alien's technology. Hence, it should be a strictly no sell until researched.

Afterall, who would want to buy something they cant use, and they can never research it as fast as Us - phalanx - as we have all the best possible resource. Making sense?


PS: And besides, geever is right. What if this is a SPECIAL wpn / item, which the scientist deemed critical to certain equipment and NOT replicable, much like elirium in the old UFOAI?

You definately dun wan to make that mistake of selling off fuel for nx gen UFO for a few paltry cash.


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2009, 10:20:06 pm »

Well I personally considered the issues you mentioned, namely,
1. Logical need for more than one item to research it
2. Lack of need in unknown alien equipment on the part of the govts

However, these are not so solid:

1. It is so, but it is not evident from the game, as you can research any item having just one of it. Therefore, keeping the rest makes no real sense, and incorporating limitations into autosell feature in this regard would mean creating fictional limitations where there are in fact none, rendering autosell functionality useless, as the user will have to - and he surely will - sell the redundant unresearched items, unless he is either lazy, or super-rich, or just plain stupid.

Now this could be worked around by incorporating additional requirments for research process, namely:
- each additional item of unresearch object would speed up the research where it is conducted
- simultaneous research of several objects of same type in multiple bases would accelerate research even further (this one would really make people think of the logistics!)
- unresearched items (well, and researched as well) particularly from crashed could have a "damaged" property so that more than one would be required to be able to research the object type successfully. This would require more coding, thought, than the first two ideas mentioned
- the last thing - I did not pay attention to whether the researched item is sold for more that unresearched item. The prices might vary based on this factor, with unresearched items being bought by govts for much less than researched ones - this would stimulate the player to keep them for later to cash in on the effect

2. This point is partially addressed in the last bullet of (1) above. I would further say that although Phalanx is the prime agency for counteracting UFO threat, govts are still there, along with hordes of special services, military, and researchers of their own. They, too, want to buy stuff. Ideally, there would actually be not only player vs aliens but player vs aliens + govts vs aliens, or even alien-friendly govts vs player as well, and govt techs would also evolve based on their own research.
This would be a headache to implement, though, so this one is mere speculation on my part.

Finally, govts do in fact buy both UFOs and objects in this game, therefore, it is already set that they want it.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 10:23:34 pm by s300pmu1 »


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Re: equipment bug
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2009, 06:07:52 am »
Eloz s300pmu1,

Okie, thanks for feedback. Let me provide my point of view too? :)



1. Logical need for more than one item to research it

However, these are not so solid:

1. It is so, but it is not evident from the game, as you can research any item having just one of it. Therefore, keeping the rest makes no real sense, and incorporating limitations into autosell feature in this regard would mean creating fictional limitations where there are in fact none, rendering autosell functionality useless, as the user will have to - and he surely will - sell the redundant unresearched items, unless he is either lazy, or super-rich, or just plain stupid.

I think u have misinterpreted my initial point of suggestion and some of what others have recommended.

Here, we are simply suggesting that AUTOSELL be turn off by default for new, unresearched items. This is to prevent 'accidental selling'. We are not asking that selling be RESTRICTED TO NONE for unresearched items. Hope u got that point rite. :D

Now this could be worked around by incorporating additional requirments for research process, namely:
- each additional item of unresearch object would speed up the research where it is conducted
- simultaneous research of several objects of same type in multiple bases would accelerate research even further (this one would really make people think of the logistics!)

On this, the point might be understandable, and might even be good. Eg, having 5 such weapons available for taking apart, might speed up the process by say 10-20% (of course, whats the use of having 1 scientist with 5 wpns? It would be efficient to still have 5 or 50 scientists on the 5 wpns rather than 1.... as i doubt it make no MUCH diff to the researcher whether he has 5 or 1.....)

Perhaps the developers can consider this point (when u input more alien artifacts for research, it speed up the research by a factor, though we must all understand that ALL such parts will be deemed CONSUMED in the process) :D

Now this could be worked around by incorporating additional requirments for research process, namely:
- simultaneous research of several objects of same type in multiple bases would accelerate research even further (this one would really make people think of the logistics!)

Nah, this is not good. The synergy of research will be impeded by distance. Lets just stick to the research must be contained within the same base...... Unless we are ready to go dwell deeper into the programming. I already can see the programming nightmare in this suggestion.  :'(

- unresearched items (well, and researched as well) particularly from crashed could have a "damaged" property so that more than one would be required to be able to research the object type successfully. This would require more coding, thought, than the first two ideas mentioned

Lets just say, i would stick to the same reason for not recommending this..... programming nightmare. New features can wait. We should fix the current features, work on the TODO in wiki. :)

Unless......sp300pmu1 would like to work on this part? :P

- the last thing - I did not pay attention to whether the researched item is sold for more that unresearched item. The prices might vary based on this factor, with unresearched items being bought by govts for much less than researched ones - this would stimulate the player to keep them for later to cash in on the effect

Well, this can be considered in FUTURE feature for buy and sell. I actually saw a very good model of this in a foreign language game called, X-force. Check it out here:
X-Force Website

In summary on the selling part -
When u request to buy OR sell, you do not have immediate buyers or sellers.
Rather, over time, you get to have bids from different supporting countries.
They also have an in-game confidence level from different countries.
These confidence lvl (very low, low, medium, high, very high) affects the factor for cheaper or more expensive pricing.
Then when u place an order (or sell), a transport craft actually fly from the base transacting to the country (i supposed they mark a capital point for EVERY country on the 'geoscape') and then the money get transported back.
This actually is practical as it takes time to transport, and guess what? Aliens DO intercept those crafts, so u might need send escort / petrol crafts.... WOOT.

So, if thats what we are talking abt - remodelling the buying and selling, i thnk we can pend this too. :P

PS: Though i still love the X-Force concept on this VERY VERY much!

2. Lack of need in unknown alien equipment on the part of the govts

2. This point is partially addressed in the last bullet of (1) above. I would further say that although Phalanx is the prime agency for counteracting UFO threat, govts are still there, along with hordes of special services, military, and researchers of their own. They, too, want to buy stuff. Ideally, there would actually be not only player vs aliens but player vs aliens + govts vs aliens, or even alien-friendly govts vs player as well, and govt techs would also evolve based on their own research.
This would be a headache to implement, though, so this one is mere speculation on my part.

Finally, govts do in fact buy both UFOs and objects in this game, therefore, it is already set that they want it.

Eh, excuse me..... have u read the storyline? PHALNX IS the last line of defence. No one would want to be part of a NEW force. Hmmmm. We should just drop this idea altogether. :P