One trick that makes a substantial increase in performance and frees up resources on Windows is to disable themes and enhancements. Also, going to the services under administrative tools and turning off much of the garbage installed by default when Windows is installed helps quite a bit.
Useful searches on the net are for "turning off unnecessary services in windows xp" and also looking at articles for DAW/Music/Sound creation on Windows where they talk about how to fine-tune and optimize performance on Windows XP, and discussion on what is and isn't safe to disable or turn off.
Believe me, when all the optimizations are added up it really does make a difference.
Right now I'm typing this on my other computer with Linux booted and running, but if you would like screenshots later, just ask.
Finally, if you've been removing old stuff and didn't re-install Windows, a registry cleaner might help a little to tidy up loose remains of old software, how much it helps depends on what you've removed.
Still to add on, if u really want to optimise esp the All-not-so-mighty and inefficient windows, try these:
1) goto
WinSecret's Homepage and download the program, Winsecret.
Follow these Steps:
a. Install the program (as administrator if u r not).
b. Select "Windows Core".
i. Under "Windows XP Prefetch", Select "Monitor Boot Launch Only"
ii. Under Windows Time Out, Clik on the "Recommended" Button below.
iii. Under "Cache", if you have >256MB Ram (If not, pls get an upgrade!), Select "Improve Core Performance" as checked, Select your disk cache size as twice the recommended value (x2 and key in manually), and try to detect your processor's level 2 cache automatically by clicking that button.
iv. A note of warning, DO NOT BUSYBODY and select security's "Enable Clear Page File at Shutdown". I am not going to details, if u wan, just PM me.
v. Save and Then u r done with Windows core.
c. I wont go into details for the other menus, but basically u can use this program to control alot of other stuff in windows and its free for home use. Next on to other cleaners.
d. Goto
Crap Cleaner Download and download the latest crap cleaner program.
i. Install as administrator (yupz pls, do this for subsequent programs....)
ii. Run program.
iii. Under Cleaner, Select "Analyse", then wait for results to appear.
iv. Once results displayed, you may just want to "Run Cleaner" for all..... this will remove some of your recent shortcuts and links, internet cache and some other redundant files. If you want to keep any of these, i recommend highly u run thru the options on the left
BEFORE analysing......
v. Under Registry, next, "SCAN FOR ISSUES", and you can safely "Fix Selected Issues" for all rubbish and redundant registry issues you found. Its quite safe, and dun worry, if u need to, make a backup of your registry.... the program will prompt u......
e. There, you are done with programs. Next run your Computer management console.
-> Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Computer Mangement. (this is in classic mode).
-> Select disk management. This will display all drives on your system at moment (in windows).
-> Right clik on each drive and select properties.
-> Select cleanup if you want for all drives.
-> It would be wise to finish up with a defrag for each drive after that.
This should help speed up your system a bit.
If u really want a ram manager, try [ur=;7039503;/fileinfo.html]FreeramXP Pro[/url]
I would recommend scanning your system for spyware using
Spybot Search and Destroy currently in version 1.6.2. Update definations before scanning and immunization though.
Okie, thats it.