Technical support > Linux
Can't go on missions - 2.3 @ Ubuntu 8.10
Finally found the right location:
The directory /usr/share/games/ufoai was ok all the time. You must copy the 2 files and ufoai from folder /usr/lib/ufoai to /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
YES it works, thx
Run the game from command line
--- Code: ------- filesystem initialization -----
Adding game dir: /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
--- End code ---
^ These are the (game) directories it is looking for files.
--- Quote from: gorgonz on February 23, 2009, 05:22:09 pm ---Finally found the right location:
The directory /usr/share/games/ufoai was ok all the time. You must copy the 2 files and ufoai from folder /usr/lib/ufoai to /usr/share/games/ufoai/base
--- End quote ---
Thanks. I was having the same problem.
For those with poor terminal-fu (such as myself):
sudo cp -s /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base/ /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/
sudo cp -s /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base/0music.pk3 /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/
Those will make symbolic links to the appropriate files. Someone more knowledgeable correct me if I'm wrong, but symbolic links should keep pointing to any updated files as well, so you shouldn't have to copy the files again if they get updated in a later build.
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