The corrupted download issue is probably related to that person's internet connection. I have managed to download all of the installers without any DL managers, just using the browser and I've never once had a problem with the files.
I did have one problem once, but that was when I tried to download the installer to a network drive at work and for some reason the network drive really disliked files that large. DL'd the same file to desktop, no problem. So downloading to an external medium may cause problems. So could a crappy network connection, because I experienced that problem as well (at home), it screwed up everything, not just the DL. That was related to my modem settings.
There are literally 20 or 50 different reasons why the DL could be corrupted and it would need some serious troubleshooting, but in all probability it's at the user end.
For my money, the first thing I would do is make sure that particular machine has TCP/IP v6 disabled (in Windows Vista and Windows 7 it's enabled by default). I don't know if you guys have ANY idea just how "¤%"&#¤&#¤ much trouble that crap causes, but you can assume that anything internet related that goes wrong can be fixed by turning TCP/IP v6 off in Windows. If it doesn't help, only then do you start troubleshooting other stuff.
Yes, I work phone tech support for an ISP, thank you very much. I wish I didn't have to know all this...