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Author Topic: Radar and Satellites  (Read 7660 times)

Offline Mayhem

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Radar and Satellites
« on: July 25, 2008, 10:17:47 pm »
A minor point with regards to the story - something needs to be said about the ineffectiveness of the worlds network of surveillance sattelites.

Why else are we totally unable to use them, instead having to build ground-based radar installations.

Either the aliens must have destroyed them upon arrival, a la independence day, or the aliens are somehow cloaked from the satellite tech.  Either way, it needs mentioning in the story.

The question of why the tech used in the ground based radar can't be put into orbital satellites also needs to be answered - do the aliens detect and destroy them (or any attempt to launch them)?  If so, why does it take them so long to do the same to the ground based radar installations?


Second point - a feature request, really, to do with the radar installations and proposed SAM installations. 

It is assumed that most countries would build their own defences and radar installations - who would want to be reliant on protection from outside?  Instead of having to build off-base radar and SAM sites, it might be cooler to have countries with a happyness over a given level to offer the output of their own radar facilities to PHALANX.

This would give the same effect as building the radar installations whilst at the same time explainign why no ground crew are required for said installation.  At the same time, it would give  a reward/motivation for keeping nations happy - if you don't perform to their satisfaction, they'll cut you out of their radar net thus decreasing your coverage.

Similarly, at a really high level of happyness they might trust you so much that they are willing to turn over control of their SAM sites to PHALANX - or even their own interceptor bases (which would be launchable but not "editable").
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 09:30:37 am by Mayhem »

Offline break19

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2008, 02:54:11 am »
I actually like that idea, and it gives the feeling of "reality" to it, which increases enjoyment for many people, myself included.

speaking of reality, once when I lost my favorite soldier, I was so pissed. he got fragged by a plasma grenade that bounced from 3feet away to right next to him, even wearing nano armor, and 120+ health. he died instantly.. the first words I said, "Nooo! now your gonna pay you alien ^%$@^%$#!@" Felt like I'd just watched someone kill my brother or somethin. lol.

After I mopped up, I felt a little better, but sad that Julio was no more :(


Lord Valdez

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2008, 10:48:04 am »
Yes, why do we us land-based radars?
Are there local militaries? Do they use radars? Are they capable to detect UFOs? Why don't share us the info?

Intercepting should be a PHALANX privilege, but detection not. After all, it is their interest too.

In fact, I would like to see orbital installments as well, keeping their vulnerabilities in mind. I imagine a fully automated satellite on a geostationary orbit, that have radar and some self-defense ability. It could be modelled as a stationary aircraft.

BTW, aircrafts should have their radar as well (relatively short range). It is unrealistic, that they lose target, when base radar loses contact.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2008, 12:02:15 pm »
Aircraft do have their own radar in 2.3.

Offline stevenjackson

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2008, 01:56:36 pm »

The first thing an alien invasion would do is shoot down orbital satelites.


Offline Mayhem

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2008, 05:29:35 pm »
The first thing an alien invasion would do is shoot down orbital satelites.


 The Satellite Situation Report from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Dated September, 1997, counts almost 25,000 man-made objects: 8681 currently in orbit, and over 16,000 objects in a state of decay. Not every single satellite is included, since some are too small or too far away from home to be detected.

Not that I'm arguing with you, but thats a lot of satellites.

If thats what they did then it needs mentioning in the Background that the first inkling of an attack came when TV, telecommunication and GPS systems all failed as the aliens systematically eliminated satellites from earth orbit.  First casualties of the invasion were likely the crew of the ISS and any shuttle crrently in orbit...

Lord Valdez

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2008, 06:16:34 pm »
The first thing an alien invasion would do is shoot down orbital satelites.
Sure, they would, but we need surface control and telecommunication. It's strategical vital to coordinate planetwide operations.
So it is a kind of space-superiority race. We launch a satellite, they bring down another, but we can make their job harder.
We can use stealth coating, anti-missile countermeasures and so. After researching UFO theory it may actively attempting to avoid encounter, as well.

Offline Mayhem

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2008, 09:13:44 am »
As an interesting aside - the alien craft are bereft of comms gear.  Communicating the way they do, they may not even realise what the multitude of sattelites in our skies are for.

Offline TroubleMaker

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 12:02:00 pm »
Nice ideas and talking, but I do not remember anyone asking about lack of satellite radar coverage in previous UFO series games. (even in times of XCom-1 and FIDONet's echo of GAME)
And do not forget that PHALANX is highly secret organization, made specially for counter-alien operations unlike "ordinal" armies are. So, open contacts with more than few members of high govt of every country may lead to disclosure of any secrecy.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 12:05:34 pm by TroubleMaker »


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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2008, 06:18:43 pm »
From what I have read of the plotline, a worldwide blackout may not coincide with the aliens' goals.  They would rather overtake the planet quickly and without detection, and blowing out worldwide networks would be a bit obvious.  In keeping with their infiltration game, some sort of rewiring/reprogramming for those capable of outward scanning (most probably don't even have any sort of radar detection, or are pointed downward at least). 

Perhaps from some small, charred fragment of debris blown from the outer hull of an alien craft by a lucky shot from an interceptor before the start of the game, there has been sufficient research done into its composition to design radar to have some chance of picking up the material(s) with newly-designed radars (explaining, in part, PHALANX's importance, and also plausibly removing all pre-invasion human radar from gameplay).

Offline simulatoralive

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2008, 07:42:31 pm »
This has given me an idea for a related suggestion of my own.

If we're going to get the ability to launch specially-designed satellites of our own, we should have the option of geosynchronous or something that moves in a set path once around the globe each day.

Personally, I'd love that second option for a radar satellite.

Lord Valdez

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2008, 08:08:57 pm »
Well, even if PHALANX has no official channels to local militaries, they may get information from them as being an UN organisation.

I read in the plot:
"The horror and enormity of the events in Mumbai shocked the world. The existence of intelligent alien life in the universe was no longer a matter of faith. Not only did it exist, it had made contact in the worst way. The massacres were too large and visible for Earth's governments to keep them secret. Video evidence of the smoking, blood-stained streets aired on television sets around the world. The aliens had left no other evidence of their visit; they diligently recovered their dead and collected every scrap of dropped technology before pulling out."
"Eighty-seven hours after the initial attack on Mumbai, Earth declares war. For two weeks, the armies of humanity each try to fend off the mysterious alien attackers to the best of their ability. They score precious few successes."

It means for me, that the hide-and-seek phase of the invasion is over after the Mumbai incident.
Aliens are dispatching small raids, but a terror site is all, but stealthy.
Though aliens have reason to be confident, the aliens may want to disrupt terran communication network at a certain point of the war, to isolate and annihilate military groups. (or to present a challenge to player :) )


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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2008, 10:05:24 pm »
More and more, the Mumbai Incident seems out of place for the gamestyle.  Perhaps a cover-up?  Blame it on a nuclear meltdown, terrorists, a flock of interstellar geese?

Offline Mayhem

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2008, 10:59:32 pm »
I am forced to agree.

An incident on the scale of Mumbai and its aftermath does not gel very well with the fate of the world subsequently being put in the hands of 8 not-particularly elite combat soldiers with off-the-shelf weapons.

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: Radar and Satellites
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2008, 12:13:50 pm »

   DARPA and several other DOD programs have been launching satellites and other objects of "satellite' size for over 30 years.   SEVERAL of them have been manned and used to test outer atmospheric vehicles and weaponry.    In 2084 I expect The major World powers to have the technological capability to make space launches at will... Kind of like the United States Air Force and Chinese Space Program do on a monthly or bi-weekly basis.  Depending on the need.   


   The Designers of this game have made their intentions NOT to stick to real technological progression, even if the events stated in the game prequel summary did transpire.   I strongly disagree with this.

   If you do allow us to launch orbitals here are my suggestions.

1:   Weapons platforms

2:   Satellite platforms - not just for terrestrial "radar" but for extra terrestrial 'radar' as well.

3.   Unmanned Interceptor platforms

4.   Research stations