Yeah, the first time I tried it I thought it looked a bit dark, almost all black, so I found the control for the light source and cranked it.
Oh well, at least I have some idea of how to do this, and like I said, I know it isn't world-class professional or anything, but I'm still proud of it as it is my first.
I guess it's a bit like writing a book or story, very few writers get their very first works published and making money. Then again, there are a few exceptions - You'd probably know more about this than I would, but wasn't Heinlein one of those exceptions? Someone told me that his very first novel was published at some point. Myself, I'm not an English major, I don't know much about writing. (And by the way, congrats on your own book, I see someone rated it well on Amazon.)
Songwriting is the same way, no one makes it big with their very first original tune. Then again, there are musicians who make it big and can't write an original tune. (But that's a whole other rant I won't dive into.)