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Author Topic: Bug squashing party  (Read 16348 times)

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« on: July 17, 2006, 01:21:45 pm »
Hello guys! We are having a bug-squashing party on IRC channel #ufo:ai. Would you like to join? You don't even need to irc, you can share your ideas here...

Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> Hi guys! [13:02]
<Bandobras> the client/cl_parse.c error
<Bandobras> Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "CL_PlaceItem: Fix me!!!");
<Bandobras> seems ripe for fixing, but I have no clue
<Bandobras> first, what's the problem there? [13:03]
<Bandobras> second, what are the commented out fragments in this function?
<Bandobras> the "if" and "le->angles" [13:04]
<Bandobras> third: "The inventory is destroyed twice later!"
<Bandobras> where is "later"?

P.S. The lucky finder of this bug is  ssianky. Who will be the lucky conqueror, with the help of the others, is to be seen. ;)

P.P.S. The bug lurks in

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 02:00:23 pm »
Follow up:

Code: [Select]
<ssianky> this is about "inventory bug" - when "There are more than the
 allowed entries in container..." message displayed. [13:50]
<ssianky> the inventory is destroyed two times (for actor->i.c[csi.idFloor]
 and le->i.c[csi.idFloor]), but must only once. [13:53]
<BTAxis> Isn't it a simple matter of checking if it exists whenever you
destroy it? [13:54]
<ssianky> no, it can't be checked when destroyed. [13:55]
<Bandobras> actor is the one who carries it and le is what? [13:56]
<ssianky> i don't know. thats way i let corections of this bug for
 others,.. how know. [13:58]
<Bandobras> is it only for items put on the floor, BTW?
<Bandobras> is the function CL_PlaceItem called only for dropping things?
<Bandobras> (We'll just gather what we know, look up what we don't and see
<Bandobras> OK, so that we don't know yet. [14:00]
<Bandobras> Where are the two places where inventory is destroyed? [14:01]
<ssianky> Com_EmptyContainer
<Bandobras> 1st
<ssianky> Com_EmptyContainer - 2-nd
<Bandobras> which file?
<ssianky> q_shared.c [14:02]
<Bandobras> game/q_shared.c, indeed [14:03]
<Bandobras> so actor may be the soldier, le, I don't know, the floor? [14:04]
<Bandobras> and at some time you destroy the two inventories?
<Bandobras> in the result destroying the dropped item twice? [14:05]
<Bandobras> OK. Perhaps. Now, I presume the commented out "if" and "le->angles"
<Bandobras> have nothing to do with our bug?
<Bandobras> We know what we don't know, let's try to find out... [14:06]

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 02:23:55 pm »
Code: [Select]
<ssianky> le - local entity. i think bulets are le too. [14:19]
<Bandobras> k
<Bandobras> I see Com_EmptyContainer take an inventory and an index of
   particular container [14:20]
<Bandobras> in that inventory and empties that container
<Bandobras> I see a container is a linked list [14:21]
<Bandobras> the first four lines after while I don't get [14:22]
<Bandobras> Anyway, at the very end: the container is set to null [14:23]
<Bandobras> what do the four lines do? [14:24]
<Bandobras> if the container, the linked list, is longer than MAX_INVLIST
<Bandobras> then the "Error: There are more than the allowed..." appears
<Bandobras> so the four lines move us forward one item on the list [14:26]
<Bandobras> but I wonder what invUnused is [14:27]
<Bandobras> static invList_t *invUnused;
<Bandobras> Oh, I see this is a list of all unused container cells, all lumped
   together [14:28]
<Bandobras> for all containers
<Bandobras> So nothing dangerous here [14:29]
<Bandobras> So the question is how can the length of any container exceed
   MAX_INVLIST? [14:30]

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2006, 02:28:52 pm »
Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> Back to  CL_PlaceItem [14:31]
<Bandobras> both actor->i.c[csi.idFloor] and le->i.c[csi.idFloor] are
   containers, right? [14:32]
<ssianky> this can be, when the list is linked in infinite loop.
<Bandobras> oh [14:33]
<Bandobras> oh
<Bandobras> oh
<Bandobras> oh
* Bandobras wanders off mumbling [14:34]
<Bandobras> #define MAX_INVLIST           1024 [14:37]
<Bandobras> so indeed it would be hard to achieve without a loop
<ssianky> ??? [14:40]
<ssianky> i talk about "how can the length of any container exceed
 MAX_INVLIST". it can only if links have loop.
<Bandobras> sure, this is what I say :) [14:41]
<Bandobras> because  MAX_INVLIST is so large [14:42]
<Bandobras> (come on, role-play some, people are watching) ;> [14:44]
<angel_7th> Bandobras: :))
<Bandobras> ;> [15:14]
* Bandobras scratches his head and breathes heavily staring at the code [15:15]

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2006, 03:39:12 pm »
Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> so, why do we have a looping list in CL_PlaceItem? [15:38]
<Bandobras> the argument of the function is le --- "<ssianky> le - local
   entity. i think bulets are le too."
<Bandobras> so the function gets a bullet, finds an actor [15:39]
<Bandobras> on the same position as the bullet
<Bandobras> and if the actor exists does something
<Bandobras> namely assigns a bullet container to the actor container [15:40]
<Bandobras> the bullet has a container in its inventory named csi.idFloor
<Bandobras> probably the container represents things on the floor
<Bandobras> so in case of the bullet, if it dropped to the ground [15:42]
<Bandobras>  the container is a linked list with one element --- the dropped
<Bandobras> then the floor container of the actor, say, a soldier [15:43]
<Bandobras> is said to be exactly the single-item container with the dead
<Bandobras> sounds strange [15:44]
<Bandobras> what if the soldier dropped something on the ground before that?
<Bandobras> then his floor container is overwritten with the one of the bullet
<Bandobras> to see if this is a problem we have to find out when CL_PlaceItem
   is called [15:45]

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2006, 03:52:13 pm »
Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> BTW, I don't see a possibility that this particular assignment
<Bandobras> creates a looping linked list [15:52]
<Bandobras> but it may cause that e.g. the soldier gets invUnused as his floor
   container [15:53]
<Bandobras> let's see
<Bandobras> what happens when later on the bullet floor container is emptied?
<Bandobras> I see: the head of the liked list (the container) [15:56]
<Bandobras> I mean the first cell of the list
<Bandobras> not its value
<Bandobras> is incorporated into the invUnused linked list [15:57]
<Bandobras> so that the next cells are all those of invUnused
<Bandobras> and the previous cells are the next cells of the empties floor
<Bandobras> can invUnused ever be higher than 1024? [15:58]
<Bandobras> I guess quite likely...
<Bandobras> So if the bullet floor container is ever emptied, the soldier
   floor container will contain more than 1024 items (and vice versa)
<Bandobras> are you with me? does it make sense?
<ssianky> oh, yes... it make sense... [16:00]
<Bandobras> So, just as you said, when later the soldier floor container is
<Bandobras> the Com_EmptyContainer function tries to empty the whole invUnused [16:01]
<Bandobras> and rightfully barfs after 1024 items
<Bandobras> ?
<Bandobras> Something like this is in your comment, right? [16:02]
<ssianky> yes.
<Bandobras> that may be why with your error trap the bugs appears early,
<Bandobras> while without the game was OK until 1024 items were destroyed [16:05]
<Bandobras>  while without the trap, the game run fine until 1024 items were
* Bandobras rubs his forehead [16:08]
* Bandobras picks his nose
<Bandobras> perhaps now analyze when CL_PlaceItem is called? [16:09]

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2006, 04:30:05 pm »
This episode is hot:

Code: [Select]
<ssianky> the game NOT run fine. it crash each time someone die. [16:10]
<Bandobras> even without your Com_Error (ERR_DROP...  ?
<ssianky> i said, that list have LOOP.
<Bandobras> yes, I suspected it, as well [16:11]
<ssianky> yes, even without Com_Error.
<Bandobras> oh
<Bandobras> so back to drawing board...
<Bandobras> or could they be separate errors?
<Bandobras> the crash and the "Error: There are more than the allowed [16:12]
<ssianky> this error is only a side effect.
<Bandobras> the "Error: There are more than the allowed? [16:13]
<ssianky> yes
<Bandobras> of what?
<ssianky> of bug.
<Bandobras> :)
*** TorF (n=torf@ has joined channel #ufo:ai
<Bandobras> I think [ 1523002 ] object still on the floor after picked up
<Bandobras> might be related, too
<ssianky> maybe. this bug have many side effects.
<Bandobras> [ 1513825 ] it just crashed [16:16]
<Bandobras> that one says it does not happen immediately, nor at each death
<Bandobras> until you caught the issue earlier [16:18]
<Bandobras> with your  Com_Error (ERR_DROP...
<ssianky> it at each death, but a bit later, when messages from server are
 processed. [16:20]
<Bandobras> Sorry, I've just tested.for me (laset trunk)
<Bandobras> For me (latest trunk) is not after each death [16:21]
<Bandobras> I killed several of my soldiers and nothings wrong
<Bandobras> (without your Com_Error (ERR_DROP...))
<Bandobras> so perhaps it is OK until invUnused is too long? [16:22]
<ssianky> messages are processed LATER.
<Bandobras> after my game turn ends?
<Bandobras> when?
<Bandobras> I get a lot of [16:23]
<Bandobras> G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
<Bandobras> G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: assault
<Bandobras> and no crash
<Bandobras> You can test yourself, commenting out your bug trap... [16:24]
* Bandobras shows his teeth
<ssianky> I already tested. I debugged for this bug 1.5 days, and I know what
 I say. [16:25]
<Bandobras> so, please, tell me when the "messages are processed LATER."
<Bandobras> I'd like to test some more to verify your data [16:26]
<Bandobras> So how long to wait for the crash?
<ssianky> in cl_parse.c [16:28]
<ssianky> search for evStorage [16:29]
<ssianky> also look at CL_Events [16:30]
<Bandobras> OK [16:31]
<Bandobras> I'll look there, thanks. I've made some more tests
<Bandobras> and they support my theory that until invUnused is full [16:32]
<Bandobras> nothing wrong happens (at least in my build)
<Bandobras> I can post the ufo log.
<Bandobras> evStorage, CL_Events: I probably can't understand it [16:35]
<Bandobras> or it applies to some other related bugs
<Bandobras> I'll post the ufo log on the forum, so that you can see what I mean

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2006, 04:31:15 pm »
The ufoconsole.log:

Code: [Select]

==== InitGame ====
------- Server Initialization -------
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +drop
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d07
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d06
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s09
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s10
Created AI player (team 0)
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Created AI player (team 7)
------------------------------------- client_connect

Map: +villaged
You are already on team 1
unnamed has taken control over team 1.
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
(player 0) It's team 1's round
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074936362
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075228026
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073602013
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073887786
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073275498
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073951539
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073959282
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075986981
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074936362
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075228026
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073602013
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073887786
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073275498
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073951539
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073959282
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075986981
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074936362
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075228026
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073602013
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073887786
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073275498
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073951539
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073959282
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075986981
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074936362
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075228026
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073602013
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073887786
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073275498
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073951539
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073959282
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075986981
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: assault
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074992323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075139925
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073820433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073070889
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073621885
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1070666001
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075997148
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074992323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075139925
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073820433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073070889
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073621885
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1070666001
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075997148
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074992323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075139925
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073820433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073070889
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073621885
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1070666001
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075997148
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: pistol
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: pistol
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074992323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075139925
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073820433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073070889
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073621885
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075997148
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074962663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073943747
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073435456
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076039433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074962663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073943747
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073435456
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076039433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074962663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073943747
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073435456
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076039433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074962663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073943747
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073435456
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076039433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074962663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073943747
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073435456
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071846595
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076039433
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: shotgun
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074962663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073943747
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073042773
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073435456
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076039433
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: flamer
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074836011
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074287328
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073982233
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073043210
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075511678
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913646
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074680323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073785339
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075355707
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913646
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074680323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073785339
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075355707
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913646
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074680323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073785339
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075355707
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913646
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074680323
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073785339
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072177867
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075355707
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075293968
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075077358
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075335904
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075086503
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075882352
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075468373
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076079866
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076135057
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076062698
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075915992
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075651161
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: rpg
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074568997
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075274961
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073345894
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074199049
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1076121359
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073661345
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073413491
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072895660
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901243
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: smg
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073661345
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148663
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073413491
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901243
Astrid Hjelset is in mad rage!
Juriy Zaharov is in mad rage!
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075167613
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073150878
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075587391
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075167613
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073150878
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075587391
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075167613
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074329683
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073150878
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075587391
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524060
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524081
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524060
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524081
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524060
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524081
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524060
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524081
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524060
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524081
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075182953
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524060
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075901208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075524081
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
Astrid Hjelset panics!
Juriy Zaharov panics!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074898958
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073345535
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071714577
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075442687
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074898958
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073345535
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071714577
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075442687
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074898958
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073345535
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1071714577
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075442687
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: sniper
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074898958
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1073345535
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075442687
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074012214
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074600004
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075312744
Astrid Hjelset panics!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913679
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075048021
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913679
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075048021
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913679
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075048021
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074913679
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1072364569
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075048021
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074871208
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075091943
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1074833915
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075319172
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075148744
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 1075444325
New morale is 0.00 - entity morale is 0
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Astrid Hjelset panics!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
==== ShutdownGame ====
SDL audio device shut down.

Offline Bandobras

  • Captain
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  • Posts: 586
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Bug squashing party
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2006, 05:01:22 pm »
The story continues:

Code: [Select]
<ssianky> invUnused is a list. lists cant be full. [16:39]
<Bandobras> I've posted it at
<Bandobras> as you can see the "Error: There are more than the allowed"
<Bandobras> messages appear only after several turns
<Bandobras> while in the first turn most of the soldiers die [16:40]
<Bandobras> My theory is that until invUnused is below 1023 the messages do
   not appear
<ssianky> and what if so? the bug happens each time when someone die. later
 you see only side effects of this bug. [16:42]
<Bandobras> the wrong behaviour appears each time, agreed
<Bandobras> but it seems to be caused not by a looping list
<Bandobras> but by the invUnused things, as explained earlier [16:43]
<Bandobras> ?
<Bandobras> afk for a moment
<ssianky> DEBUG yourself and look at elements in invUnused when floor
 container is destroyed. [16:46]
<ssianky> you will see the loop in first few elements.
*** TorF (n=torf@ has quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by
    peer) [17:00]
<Bandobras> you mean with real grown-up debugger? [17:03]
<Bandobras> gdb?
<Bandobras> I can't
<Bandobras> How do you do it?
<Bandobras> Really a loop, or similar elements one after another? [17:04]
<CIA-18> tlh2000 * r1922 /ufoai/trunk/src/ (linux/gl_glx.c qcommon/cmodel.c):
<CIA-18> * (hopefully) fixed bug #1523414
<CIA-18> * (hopefully) fixed bug #1521436
<CIA-18> * fixed INT32 already defined on x86_64
<Bandobras> No one of ours... :( [17:07]
<Bandobras> Not one of our bugs... :(

Offline Bandobras

  • Captain
  • *****
  • Posts: 586
    • View Profile
Bug squashing party
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2006, 05:23:46 pm »
Don't get put off by the drastic beginning. It all ends well.

Code: [Select]
<ssianky> like msvc 2005. gdb is a sucks. [17:08]
*** ssianky ( has quit: Read
    error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) [17:09]
<Bandobras> hehe
<Bandobras> sorry
<Bandobras> come back! [17:10]
*** mattn (n=mattn@ has joined channel #ufo:ai [17:12]
<Bandobras> come back you coward! [17:13]
<Bandobras> Oh my, of course there is a loop in invUnused
<Bandobras> and I can't tell you that you were right from the very beginning
<Bandobras> come back!
<Bandobras> hi mattn [17:14]
<mattn> hi
<Bandobras> we are playing with bugs
<mattn> invUnused? Someone fixed that bug :-D
<mattn> ??
<mattn> well i'm fighting them :-D
<Bandobras> no mercy
<Bandobras> let me concentrate [17:15]
<BTAxis> mattn is riding out on his tiny little horse, waving around a tiny
sword and a tiny shield, fighting the bugs.
<Bandobras> let's say there is a one element invUnused called i
<Bandobras> and a bullet with a two-element floor inventory container b1,b2
<Bandobras> THE BUGS respond with plasma fire!
<mattn> a bullet with a two-element floor inventory container b1,b2???
<Bandobras> I mean, a local entity [17:17]
<Bandobras> any local entity, even a bullet (say, it split in two and dropped
   to the ground)
*** BTAxis ( has changed mode for
    #ufo:ai to +o mattn
<Bandobras> and a soldier is standing there
<Bandobras> (waving his little sword) [17:18]
<Bandobras> so in CL_PlaceItem the floor inventory of the soldier
<Bandobras> is made to be the same as of the bullet, that is b1,b2
<Bandobras> (I wonder where and when CL_PlaceItem is called, but let's go on)
<mattn> on the event "add to inventory" and "delete from inventory"
<Bandobras> Now when the bullet inventory is emptied in Com_EmptyContainer
<mattn> ^^but go on
<Bandobras> k
<Bandobras> b1->next is set to i [17:20]
<Bandobras> and invUnused is set to b1
<Bandobras> then b2-> next is set to bl,i
<Bandobras> and invUnused is set to b2 [17:21]
<Bandobras> so invUnused becomes b2,b1,i
<Bandobras> now comes the tricky part
<Bandobras> the soldier inventory is emptied (why not)
<Bandobras> the soldier floor container points at b1 still [17:22]
<mattn> yeah, i see - there is our endless loop
<Bandobras> I don't see yet, sorry, let's go on
<Bandobras> so in Com_EmptyContainer b1->next is set to the beginning of
<Bandobras> and invUnused is set to b1 [17:23]
<Bandobras> then i-> next is set to b1,b2,b1,i [17:24]
<Bandobras>  and invUnused is set to i
<Bandobras> done
<Bandobras> or not
<Bandobras> ?
* Bandobras is lost
* Bandobras is swarmed with bugs [17:25]
* Bandobras loops
<Bandobras> ah, I see [17:26]
<Bandobras> rewind
<Bandobras> so in Com_EmptyContainer b1->next is set to the beginning of
<Bandobras>    b2,b1,i
<Bandobras> so b1->next is set to the beginning of b2,b1,b2,b1,b2,b1 [17:27]
<Bandobras> here
<Bandobras>  and invUnused is set to b1
<Bandobras> then b2->next is set to b1,b2,b1,b2,b1...
<Bandobras> etc. so Com_EmptyContainer loops [17:28]
<Bandobras> but after 1024 cycles it emits the error
<Bandobras> ------------------------------------------------
<Bandobras> ssianky, you were right, you can now come back [17:29]
<Bandobras> you were right all along
<Bandobras> (even if you think msvc 2005 is better than gdb)

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2006, 05:35:29 pm »
The story unfolds (notice the actor's exquisite performance):

Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> and my tests without ssianky bug trap show [17:31]
<Bandobras> that the loop happens not immediately after soldiers die
<Bandobras> and even in the next turn
<Bandobras> and not even in the next turn [17:32]
<Bandobras> mattn, can it be that CL_PlaceItem is called both for the bullet
   and for the soldier? [17:34]
<Bandobras> I mean  Com_EmptyContainer
<Bandobras> sorry
*** SlaSheR84 (n=SlaSheR8@ has joined channel #ufo:ai [17:35]
<mattn> don't know exactly - put a Com_Printf into the function
<SlaSheR84> hi all
<Bandobras> as for CL_PlaceItem, you say it is called at "add to inventory"
   and "delete from inventory"
<Bandobras> hi
<mattn> just a Com_Printf("pointer to entity: '%p'\n", le );
<mattn> hi
<SlaSheR84> need someone new?
<SlaSheR84> i got heaps of ideas and time [17:36]
<Bandobras> so I guess upon soldier's death "delete from inventory" is called
<Bandobras> great!
<Bandobras> let me guess: but you can't do anything?
<Bandobras> ;P
<BTAxis> Yeah, seriously.
<Bandobras> :>
<Bandobras> we are just trying to squash a bug
<Bandobras> wanna join?
<SlaSheR84> i can 3d model but not texture,
<Bandobras> great!
<BTAxis> We have a serious lack of modelers. [17:37]
<mattn> Yes, EV_INV_DEL is called on soldiers death
<SlaSheR84> sweet
<Bandobras> so this is when the loop is created
<Bandobras> no
<Bandobras> when a potential is created
<Bandobras> when both are emptied
<SlaSheR84> got a list of things needed to be modeled
<Bandobras> the loop will be ready
<mattn> yeah, when we need one thing, that this one thing is a modeller [17:38]
<Bandobras> good, so which model you think about
<mattn> we always need general models for our maps like cars, trucks, tree and
so on
<mattn> but we also have a todo list in the wiki
<SlaSheR84> any aspiritions of going mmo?
<Bandobras> todo is mainly about equipment models
<SlaSheR84> i got good ideas for multi
<mattn> [17:39]
<mattn> ^^
<Bandobras> yeah
<mattn> damn, you were faster ;-)
<BTAxis> And more accurate.
<mattn> :-P
<Bandobras> I have to warn you, today the irc is broadcasted
<Bandobras> for the entertainment of UFO:AI fans
<Bandobras> and in hope of attracting coders
<mattn> uhui
<SlaSheR84> cool [17:40]
<Bandobras> at least for an ad hoc bug squashing party
* mattn activates his spellchecker
<mattn> :-D
<Bandobras> ;>
<SlaSheR84> ill hold on to my ideas then
<Bandobras> try to act casually
<SlaSheR84> ;)
* Bandobras smiles sweetly
<SlaSheR84> *whistles*
<Bandobras> ;>
* BTAxis saves world
* BTAxis looks good in front of crowd
<Bandobras> OH!
*** ssvb ( has joined channel #ufo:ai
* Bandobras tries not show his hump [17:41]
<SlaSheR84> so what format do you need the models in?
<BTAxis> [17:42]
<SlaSheR84> i got 3dsmax and blender atm
<BTAxis> It's all on there.
<mattn> to get a feel of the dimensions i suggest you import an existing model
<mattn> and i suggest to use 3dsmax for exporting them to md2 [17:43]
<mattn> because blender produces bigger files
<mattn> that are sometimes broken [17:44]
<SlaSheR84> kk [17:45]
<SlaSheR84> there a 3dsmax for linux port?
<mattn> no [17:46]
<mattn> just vmware or wine [17:47]
<Bandobras> sucks
<SlaSheR84> prob not so i guess im stuck in windows for now... :'( i miss my
   fedora core 5 allready
<mattn> you could try maya - there is a linux version available
<SlaSheR84> ahhh excellent
<SlaSheR84> i feel more comfy in linux [17:48]
<SlaSheR84> doesnt crash as much
<SlaSheR84> well being quarter to 2 here im gunna crash myself [17:49]
<SlaSheR84> ill be around
<Bandobras> you can relax and stop talking with the BBC accent, I stopped
<Bandobras> until we come back to the coding matters (no hurry) [17:50]
<Bandobras> but, come on, don't stop talking!

We have a technical break here...

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2006, 06:40:23 pm »
A new hope:

Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> mattn" just a Com_Printf("pointer to entity: '%p'\n", le ); [18:34]
<Bandobras> got ya
<Bandobras> every time "Error: There are more than the allowed" appears [18:35]
<Bandobras> there is a call of  Com_EmptyContainer
<Bandobras> to the same container twice
* Bandobras laughs
<Bandobras> and all this happens between [18:36]
<Bandobras> Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
<Bandobras> and
<Bandobras> Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started! [18:37]
*** fatty ( has joined channel #ufo:ai [18:41]
<Bandobras> Now, what should we do instead of assigning the bullet floor
   container as the soldier's floor container? [18:50]
<Bandobras> instead of: actor->i.c[csi.idFloor] = le->i.c[csi.idFloor];
<Bandobras> ?
<Bandobras> Logically, we should link the bullet list to the end of the
   soldier's list [18:51]
<Bandobras> ?
<Bandobras> and set the bullet list to NULL? [18:52]
<Bandobras> two soldiers cannot stand in the same place...
<Bandobras> so when the soldier stands on a square he gets all the items
<Bandobras> into his floor inventory container
<Bandobras> when he leaves
<Bandobras> he gives all back to the bullet's container
<Bandobras> So, the floor inventories of any two entites on the same position
<Bandobras> are merged and given to one of them
<Bandobras> two which one? to the actor, that is soldier [19:03]
<Bandobras> I think I'm ready to some blind coding, but unfortunately I don't
   know C [19:05]
<Bandobras> hmm
<Bandobras> Is there any function that appends a list to another?
<Bandobras> ssianky was right all along [19:08]
*** ssvb ( has quit: "Leaving" [19:27]
<Bandobras> Ah, this is all so hard... [19:29]
<Bandobras> can there be 3 local entities at the same square?
<Bandobras> Soldier, head body, thrown knife?
<Bandobras> dead body, I mnea
<Bandobras> I mean
<Bandobras> I
<Bandobras>  Soldier, dead body, thrown knife? [19:30]
<Bandobras> When I throw a knife at a dead body do their floor inventories
   merge? [19:31]
<Bandobras> I see in CL_EntPerish that if a grenade explodes at my feet my
   entire floor inventory disappears. At least this is simple

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2006, 08:23:15 pm »
A distraction:

Code: [Select]
<SlaSheR84> can i get a md2 of a basic human male and female [19:35]
<SlaSheR84> going for the nano armor
<SlaSheR84> ive got a picture of a guyver in mind
<SlaSheR84> but without the fancy gadgets [19:36]
<SlaSheR84> or am i better to start from scratch [19:37]
<SlaSheR84> and just resize to suit...
<Bandobras> heavy nano armor? [19:39]
<Bandobras> this is what we need... [19:40]
<Bandobras> various models are in base/models/soldiers/
<Bandobras> good luck!
<Bandobras> so [19:45]
<Bandobras> I see CL_PlaceItem is called only when an item is added
<Bandobras> to an entity that is not an actor
<Bandobras> when does this happen? [19:46]
<Bandobras> or if an item is removed from such entity --- even harder to
<Bandobras> is it only when a soldier picks something from the floor or drops
<Bandobras> or when I throw a dagger at a corpse the add to inventory message
   appears? [19:47]
<Bandobras> I see that  CL_InvDel happens e.g. when a soldier picks some from
   the floor [19:59]
<Bandobras> Then the item is deleted from the floor entity
<Bandobras> and CL_PlaceItem is called so that the floor visual appearance
   changes [20:01]
<Bandobras> e.g. the biggest remaining weapon becomes visible
<Bandobras> but why we do actor->i.c[csi.idFloor] = le->i.c[csi.idFloor];
<Bandobras> then is a mystery to me
<Bandobras> Oh, I see, to update the client side of the soldier inventory
<Bandobras> the server side is changed before we send the packet [20:03]
<Bandobras> and after we receive it on the client side we update our copy
<Bandobras> of the soldier's inventory
<Bandobras> ----------------------- [20:08]
<Bandobras> So, again when is Com_DestroyInventory called? [20:09]
<Bandobras> Or not, before that, what when the player moves?
<Bandobras> Is his floor container emptied then?
*** fatty ( has quit: "connection reset by beer"
<Bandobras> It should be
<Bandobras> I mean on the client side [20:11]
<Bandobras> Then the duplication of the floor --- one copy in the soldier
<Bandobras> one copy laying there
<Bandobras> would only happen when the soldiers is standing over the loot
<Bandobras> Perhaps in such cases deletion of both entities cannot happen
<Bandobras> But when he moves over...
<Bandobras> Why is q2 so hard?
<Bandobras> So, when the soldier is standing over the loot and the loot
   disappears [20:13]
<Bandobras> then CL_EntPerish sayz that the soldier floor container will not be
<Bandobras> emptied, so the looping list is not created [20:14]
<Bandobras> Or perhaps the problem is when the ammo runs out? [20:25]
<Bandobras> Then also Com_EmptyContainer is called...
*** SlaSheR84_ (n=SlaSheR8@ has joined channel #ufo:ai
<Bandobras> but no, then the container is not floor [20:26]
<Bandobras> So it appears as far as the soldier is standing over his loot
<Bandobras> the doubling of the floor container is safe [20:27]
<Bandobras> So the problem must be that when he moves over
<Bandobras> he drags his floor container with him...
<Bandobras> But CL_ActorDoMove begins with [20:35]
<Bandobras> le->i.c[csi.idFloor] = NULL;
<Bandobras> hmmm
<Bandobras> but CL_ActorDie does not [20:38]
* Bandobras gloats
*** SlaSheR84 (n=SlaSheR8@ has quit: Read error: 110
    (Connection timed out) [20:45]
<Bandobras> nope ;( [20:49]
<Bandobras> would you believe that Com_EmptyContainer is called [21:08]
<Bandobras> for the same pointer many time before the battlescape
<Bandobras> mission even begins?
<Bandobras> while equipping the squad, for instace [21:09]
<Bandobras> but this is all right, since invUnused is reused... [21:13]
*** SlaSheR84_ (n=SlaSheR8@ has quit: Read error: 131
    (Connection reset by peer) [21:23]
*** TorF (n=torf@ has joined channel #ufo:ai [21:24]
<Bandobras> OK, some more good tests on the forum [21:34]
<Bandobras> a really terrifying ufoconsole.log [21:36]
<Bandobras> "doubled entity" is the one from CL_PlaceItem [21:37]
<Bandobras> the crash happens when the last soldier dies

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2006, 09:29:06 pm »
OK, this one is really good:

Code: [Select]

==== InitGame ====
------- Server Initialization -------
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +drop
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s11
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d06
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d07
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d04
Created AI player (team 0)
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Created AI player (team 7)
------------------------------------- client_connect

Map: +villaged
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x195c493c'
You are already on team 1
unnamed has taken control over team 1.
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
(player 0) It's team 1's round
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: assault
doubled entity: '0x19a9a580'
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
Com_MoveInInventory: move twohanded item to container: 6
doubled entity: '(nil)'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a580'
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: assault
doubled entity: '0x19a9a568'
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: rpg
doubled entity: '0x19a9a550'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a128'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ae98'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a128'
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: sniper
Lisa Kennedy is in mad rage!
Yoshiko Suzuki is in mad rage!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a128'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ad40'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a128'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aff0'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a520'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a280'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3a0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a580'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a3d8'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4abe8'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b148'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a580'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: flamer
Yoshiko Suzuki panics!
doubled entity: '0x19a946a0'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a530'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a388'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a568'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a688'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a370'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a946a0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a7e0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3e8'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a550'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a938'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3d0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a520'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b2a0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a568'
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b3f8'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a550'
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a128'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a520'
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a280'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a946a0'
Error: There are more than the allowed entries in container 6 (cnt:1024, MAX_INVLIST:1024) (Com_EmptyContainer)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Yoshiko Suzuki panics!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a128'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: pistol
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: pistol
MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1350086535 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)********************
ERROR: CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message 0

==== ShutdownGame ====
SDL audio device shut down.

Offline Bandobras

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Bug squashing party
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2006, 10:36:28 pm »
The party may turn out to be a success!

Code: [Select]
<Bandobras> Or is Com_EmptyContainer called also when items on the floor become
<Bandobras> invisible on the client side?
<Bandobras> is EV_ENT_PERISH called then? [21:46]
<Bandobras> I know! I have to add the clause to CL_EntPerish too! [22:02]
<Bandobras> le->i.c[csi.idFloor] = NULL;
<Bandobras> this I added to CL_ActorDie, but it's not enough [22:03]
<Bandobras> with CL_EntPerish could be enough!
* Bandobras looks upward
<Bandobras> Well, it is possible I've got it. No "Error: There are more than
   the allowed" messages, though the game skill crashes on mission
   loss. Some more tests... [22:23]

This time I ended the mission by "Abort mission" from the menu. No crash, but still bugs. However our bug seems to be squashed.

Code: [Select]

==== InitGame ====
------- Server Initialization -------
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h01
CM_AddMapTile: token: +h03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +drop
CM_AddMapTile: token: +r03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d03
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s13
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s09
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s08
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s13
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d05
CM_AddMapTile: token: +s07
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d07
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d06
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d02
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d04
CM_AddMapTile: token: +d01
Created AI player (team 0)
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Could not find alien armor ''
Created AI player (team 7)
------------------------------------- client_connect

Map: +villaged
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x195c497c'
You are already on team 1
unnamed has taken control over team 1.
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
Particle definiton "water_fountain" not found
(player 0) It's team 1's round
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: rpg
doubled entity: '0x19a9a278'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b438'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b188'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Jenniver Little is currently shaken.
Evonne Beauvais panics!
Yao Etaoku is in mad rage!
Can't perform action - no ammo!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a570'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b188'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Jenniver Little is currently shaken.
Yao Etaoku panics!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 0
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Yao Etaoku panics!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: flamer
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: sniper_ammo
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: sniper_ammo
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: rpg_ammo
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: assault_ammo
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: flamer_ammo
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a978'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a698'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a488'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a398'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a380'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a570'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 0
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: smg
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: pistol
doubled entity: '0x19a9a398'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a248'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aad0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a368'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b188'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b6e8'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b590'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b2e0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a278'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: assault
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a6c8'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3e0'
Jenniver Little panics!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b438'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a3e0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a6c8'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aad0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b030'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a2a8'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a290'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a978'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a248'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a398'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3e0'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 0
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: sniper
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ad80'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a350'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b188'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a350'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a248'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a978'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a350'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aad0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a380'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a3e0'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a380'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a290'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3e0'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a6c8'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a3e0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b188'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a570'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b030'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a248'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 7
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: plaspistol
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: plaspistol_ammo
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b590'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ad80'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a6c8'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3e0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a398'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a398'
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a978'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b2e0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aad0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a380'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b438'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a290'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a398'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a350'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a290'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a570'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
This isn't your round.
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a248'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aad0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ad80'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4ac28'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a350'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a570'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a248'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a3e0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4b030'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a290'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a338'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a320'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0xb2387518'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a290'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a320'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
G_ActorDie: kill actor on team 1
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: fraggrenade
G_InventoryToFloor: item to floor: fraggrenade
Com_FindSpace could not find space for itemtype: armor at container 6
Com_DestroyInventory: '0xadc88300'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0xb23874d0'
G_InventoryToFloor: Error: could not drop item to floor: light
G_InventoryToFloor: Destroy remaining inventory
Jenniver Little is in mad rage!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a320'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a380'
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
Can't perform action - not enough TUs!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a6c8'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a570'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aed8'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a2f0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a308'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4aad0'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a290'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a978'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a398'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a168'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a320'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Jenniver Little panics!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
doubled entity: '0x19a9a338'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a418'
Com_EmptyContainer: '0x19a9a380'
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Com_DestroyInventory: '0x19b4a2c0'
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
MSG_WriteByte: range error -1305128839 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1305128839 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)MSG_WriteByte: range error -1305128839 ('game/g_client.c', line 111)MSG_WriteByte: range error 75260822 ('game/g_client.c', line 112)doubled entity: '0x19a9a290'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a4a0'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a698'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a260'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a350'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a278'
doubled entity: '0x19a9a230'
==== ShutdownGame ====