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Author Topic: Changing equipment  (Read 4727 times)


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Changing equipment
« on: February 29, 2008, 12:45:47 pm »
Probably stupid Question, but how it is posible to use secondary weapon without droping primary weapon....? I have soldier with rocket launcher as primary and SMG as secondary weapon, to use SMG i need to drop my primary weapon... why is it so...? I'm playing on MacBook!

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Re: Changing equipment
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 04:08:18 pm »
Probably stupid Question, but how it is posible to use secondary weapon without droping primary weapon....? I have soldier with rocket launcher as primary and SMG as secondary weapon, to use SMG i need to drop my primary weapon... why is it so...? I'm playing on MacBook!

The Rocket Laucher is the only weapon afaik that absolutely needs both hands and therefore has to be dropped to use secondary weapons. All other primary weapons can stay in your hands while using a one handed secondary weapon. And here comes the second problem: the SMG is the only two handed secondary it is impossible to use it while having something in your second hand...

If you try to use a MP/Pistol while having an Assault Rilfe/Granade Launcher/Bolter in your other hand: no problem.