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Author Topic: [Bug Report] Corrupted Savegame  (Read 2652 times)


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[Bug Report] Corrupted Savegame
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:46:07 pm »
I saved the game when my dropship was returning from a 'bad' mission (3 of mine died, no civilians - 3 of them lived), a UFO was spotted and I sent my crappy whatever they're called to it, it had a fuel pod and a raven thingy, weaponry consisted out of sparrowhawk missiles and the rotary gun (which was also mounted on my dropship).

I believe I saved quite close to the actual fight between the UFO and my intercept thingy - maybe it saved as half-dead or something?

Anyway, the console tries to load aircraft (2403), but says it can't because is 69 should be 3.

Obviously it's rather annoying to lose the safe game, but since I still have no clue how to shoot down UFOs not much is lost I guess.

Offline Silveressa

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Re: [Bug Report] Corrupted Savegame
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 05:54:33 pm »
Sorry to hear about your save corruption, the best advice I can give you is to make use of the multiple save slots available and use two sluts before entering a mission and a different two after finishing it. That way if one gets trashed you've got a another good to go.

(What would be really nice is if the game auto saved after each mission)

As far as capturing UFOs, use more than one ship, I use 2 stilettos and one scaren, usually all outfitted with as many air to air missile launchers as they can carry, polymere armor, ecm and targeting units. One or two might get shot down, but they always nail the UFO they're after.

Once it's shot down send a drop ship of troops there and do the mission.

Hope that helps yas.


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Re: [Bug Report] Corrupted Savegame
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 05:59:36 pm »
I see, so in the beginning of the game there is no hope for shooting one down! I tried a lot already!

Thanks for the reply!