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Author Topic: Staminal cells  (Read 9384 times)


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Staminal cells
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:27:21 pm »
I was working on the translation of the Hospital building, and reading how they threat burns and charred tissue.

I have an idea... what about changing the description to put something about staminal cells?
In the future, this is what will be used to threat such wounds, most likely than nanobots.

A good video explaining stem cells (you know, I'm a biotechnologist):

Offline eleazar

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 10:29:44 pm »
It does strike me that entirely nanotech medicine seems a little advanced for everything else.  But i think it helps the plausibility of the medkit


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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 11:44:15 pm »
What if the medikit is painkillers and stimulants only? So, the soldier can carry on fighting, but really he is running on borrowed time. Ties in with the whole "permanent / temporary health points" discussion...


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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 12:26:23 am »
nanotech medicine seems a little advanced

I agree -- for me, it also brings up certain questions like "why doesn't Phalanx develop nano-based weapons? A swarm of nanites that burrow in and kill their target?" etc. Alien breathing apparatus wouldn't stand a chance.

Do we really need nanotech for the humans?


Offline Zorlen

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 08:38:17 am »
Nanotech is often a substitute for magic in SciFi - any sort of non-realistic things can be explained by nanobots. I too wondered about nanobots in portable medkit, but lack of nanobot-based weapons. The only explanation is that with semi-utopical unity of nations, like those described in the background, civilian technologies might be more advanced than military ones.
Though I am against complete removal of nanotechnology - it can be used for advanced integrated circuits' production, base healing, research and workshop facilities and such.

Offline Doctor J

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2008, 12:34:44 am »
@ ufogio: I think the medikit shouldn't only have nanobots, so the inclusion of this other technology would make a good addition.

@ eleazar: Nanotech is a staple of CyberPunk fiction, right next to implants.  If cybertech is seen as reasonable, then so should nanobots be seen.

@ nemchenk: Today's first responder medical kits already have WAY more than drugs.  Glue for wound closure, splints for broken bones, breathing assistance, perhaps a defibrillator.  It really becomes a question of what to leave out to bring the kit down to a reasonable size and weight.  Nanotech simplifies packing the kit by substituting a vial of 'bots for, i.e., a bulky bandage.

Then again, common uses of nanotech in cyberpunk involve things like:

1) increase muscle mass/strength

2) thicker skin/built in armor

3) toxin binders to make the user poison resistant - but aliens don't use gas weapons, do they?

4) enhanced antibodies to make the user disease resistant - would it be useful against XVI?

So most of this would already be taken up in the category of implants.  The point is, it doesn't matter in game mechanics whether this stuff is chrome or 'bots, the result is the same.  As far as nano-based weapons, i don't see a point unless they can be targeted so as to attack aliens only.  I don't recall reading about such in novels.  Perhaps it could be a result of researching live aliens, though any such weapon would have to be implemented carefully so as to not break game balance.  Then again, the frightening thought would aliens employing such weapons against us.  Perhaps it wouldn't be too different from their virus, though.  Nanotech also wouldn't be different in application from bio-engineered tools, most of which would not be helpful at the level of abstraction of UFO:AI.

@ Zorlen: In a happy world, the common uses of nanotech that i envision [oil spill cleanup, soil conditioning] would not be useful to PHALANX.  It could be worth a mention in a background article.  I'm going to try to quote from memory [might not be exact] the seminal science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke: "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".  However, i think we can all agree that humanity in the world of UFO isn't there yet.  Nonetheless, lazy writers can and do use nanotechnology as an easy way out - same as they do with every other buzzword.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 01:26:31 am by Doctor J »

Offline geever

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 08:01:29 am »
According to the storyline, we had problems with producing nanocomposite armours (before aliens). But good at nanotech medicines? It seems conflict eachother, IMO.


Offline Zorlen

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2008, 05:06:42 pm »
According to the storyline, we had problems with producing nanocomposite armours (before aliens). But good at nanotech medicines? It seems conflict eachother, IMO.

I may be wrong, but nanotubes seem to be smaller in diameter than tissue cells, so medical nanobots wont work there.

As for example of nanotech-based weapons - I think something like this was in Deus Ex game series.
And I just thought that for Ultimate Nanotech Weapon we'll propabaly need self-reproducing nanobots with energy source utilising surrounding matter or somehow consuming energy from the outside. At the same time, medikit nanobots seem to be non-reproducing and have non-replenishable power source.


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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 05:32:46 pm »
Yep, perhaps one can explain it with not-quite-weapons-grade nanites... I still don't actually see a reason why PHALANX needs nanotech? What would they loose if we said they did not??

This also dovetails into another discussion -- is the Medikit as-is far too strong? Why bother building a hospital or waiting for soldiers to auto-heal -- bung them in a dropship with a medikit, and hey-presto! Insta-heal!

If the Medikit is changed and no longer works that way, does the case for nanotech become even weaker?

Offline Zorlen

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2008, 07:04:27 pm »
I still don't actually see a reason why PHALANX needs nanotech?

Nanotech is rather broad term. It doesn't necessary involve nanobots, it may even be ultra-dense integrated circuits.


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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 02:02:00 pm »
OK, but... you still didn't answer my question!  ;D

Offline Zorlen

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2008, 03:03:01 pm »
OK, but... you still didn't answer my question!  ;D
Well, first steps in nanotechnology are already being made today, so why shouldn't future technology include such? Though its powerfullness could be toned down, and not used in portable medkits.


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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2008, 03:07:13 pm »
...I feel we are talking in circles here...

Offline Zorlen

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2008, 08:52:58 pm »
...I feel we are talking in circles here...
Well, perhaps you are right.
You are asking why should there be nanotech, and I ask why it shouldn't :-)
So, to answer your quiestion - the only other mention of nanobots in the game aside for medikits are AFAIK base research facilities. So if nanites are replaced with more conventional technology, there won't be any great problem. And I think there's no neccessity in nanotech in the game, except for the role of convenient plug in technology descriptions. But as I've said, I have nothing against some its milder utilization.

Offline shevegen

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Re: Staminal cells
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2008, 02:11:26 am »
A swarm of nanites that burrow in and kill their target?" etc. Alien breathing apparatus wouldn't stand a chance.

And we should also not forget that, will the aliens have such technology or not. :)

But I think maybe we should wait for implants and similar? (Because they might make it useless to have medical nanobots etc..)