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Author Topic: A few ideas  (Read 2186 times)

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  • Cannon Fodder
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A few ideas
« on: January 30, 2008, 12:36:20 am »
Hi guys.

Thanks TONS for making this game!  I just played for like the whole weekend straight.. it was bad :)

Another couple of humble suggestions:

- I like the idea of stealth.  I loved being all stealthy in JA2.  I don't know if this is already implemented, but moving in crouch should be quieter then walking.  It'd be nice to know what direction you hear things in when guys run around.. and you should hear them from a ways away imo.  Maybe some bonus for stealth attacks?

- I was surprised at the medikits.  I don't know why but I expected that when you got shot you'd start bleeding or the like.. maybe lose a few hp each turn and the medikit would be used to stop the bleeding, not give you more hp (over and over).

- You can still move with full TUs when near death?  Maybe another affect of the medikit.. allow you to move more freely again?

That's about it. :)

Thanks once again guys.. very nice game!  I may even have to get involved some. :)  I'll see how addicted I get to multiplayer.


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Re: A few ideas
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 11:11:44 pm »
I think the combat is challenging as it is..
Maybe how the medikit works isn't very realistic, but also the way soldiers get hit by plasma bursts and not die, is also unrealistic. Being hit by plasma would disable any soldier if the hit wasn't fatal.

The stealth idea is good, and a cammo kit would be nice too (I remember Shadow from JA2 now). Stealth would be a good way for using the melee weapons, because otherwise they are somewhat useless (the combat knife surely is)