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Author Topic: Feature / Bug  (Read 2093 times)


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Feature / Bug
« on: January 30, 2008, 07:33:30 pm »
  as i am playing more I've noticed couple of other things not sure if they are bugs or just way it was intended
  (I know i am messing up the names),

1) I can use alien cannon (i think plasma [the one with 8 bullet]) but i can not research its ammo. it is not available for research.
   I can equip soldiers with that cannon. If I kill an alien that had cannon, I can take their ammo and drop it on my soldiers cannon, it reloads the cannon. However I can not pick it  up and store it in my soldiers back pack  (I have a save game for this)

2) in mission you can select a soldier and make him move far away., the next turn, the soldier forgets where he/she was suppose to go and I have move him/her again. I think at the end of turn the game should give the option to complete the moves automatically

3) the weapons are automatically loaded when we assign them to the soldiers. I think there should be an option to unload a weapon
   (which may be the reason I can not research cannon ammo, as i have exactly enough mags for weapons)

4) I think if the ammo is assigned to a weapon, i should not be able to sell the ammo. (it will unload the weapon)


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Re: Feature / Bug
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 08:05:21 pm »
1) If you read the plasma weapon research report you will notice that the scientists are not able to reproduce the ammunition for plasma weapons at this point and therefore your soldiers rely on recovered plasma ammo from tactical missions. It is intended to be this way.

2) You are right. I think there should be a way to let the soldier keep on on his path until this action is disrupted by something else than an end of turn. Would be an nice to hear something from a dev about this.

3) I think there should be one free mag with every new weapon to solve this problem. But might be a matter of balance. The way it works now never prevented me from researching anything.

4) The mag assigned to a weapon is/should be the last to sell. If you want to sell all your ammo it is ok the way it works now for me. Maybe we will see something smart when the new soldier/equipment interface comes up.


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Re: Feature / Bug
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 09:50:19 pm »
1) scientists not suppose to re-produce the workers do.
    if I can't research it then the research for cannon ammo should show and be grayed out.
    if I have researched it but can not produce it, then when i pick the ammo, it should not say unknown or whatever message it shows for un-researched items. it make no sense that i can NOT pickup the cannon ammo but i CAN use it to re-load cannon

    my 2 cents anyway


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Re: Feature / Bug
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 10:08:17 pm »
You are right that you should be able to pick that up.
But anyway the ammo and the guns should normally be transferred to base (maybe sold already and available over the buy/sell button) even if you do not pick anything up on the battlefield.
Only problem occurs when you do not have enough ammo for your own guns or want to use the gun of a dead alien (that's your problem, right?).

Before the workers can produce something the scientists must find a way to reproduce the technology (a prototype and schematics) which is not possible for some guns right now... but I guess we already got each other right.  ;)

If you cannot research/produce it anytime (as I suppose it is planned for now) there is no need for a grayed out note in the research button. The research report of the weapons point out everything necessary to know.
Although you might find it a bit too long to read completely - as I also did.  :)

I messed plasma guns with particle beam guns, sorry about that. You cannot reproduce/research ammo for particle beam guns right now.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 10:12:52 pm by SpaceWombat »