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Author Topic: Medic Packs  (Read 3677 times)

Offline Valaska

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Medic Packs
« on: January 24, 2008, 02:58:22 am »
 The Medic packs are in question, or so I read.. Something about limiting their use or one time use, personally I think the packs are fine how they are now, I mean its not like you can heal, put it away, and shoot, and you can only heal once per round so they are pretty balanced as is, making them one use only.. Bleh just seems dumb lol.

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Re: Medic Packs
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2008, 04:05:46 am »
Being balanced with respect to its use is a separate issue from how many times you can use it.

Medic packs should run out. In a game where you can run out of ammo, it makes sense to be able to run out of medicine too. Make it "refillable".

Offline EuchreJack

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Re: Medic Packs
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 05:51:31 am »
Depending on how many uses the medpaks have, I doubt the issue of medpak usage limits will play a major factor in the game.  In the original X-Com, medpaks rarely ran out (of course, that's because soldiers rarely survived getting shot).  If medpaks have a limit on the number of uses, players will simply carry more medpaks.  Although I imagine coding the medpaks to have a limited number of uses is fairly simple, it doesn't seem like a major issue.

Now one thing that is major is how medpak healing is handled by the game.  If the damage healed is permanent, then nobody will use hospitals.  If medpaks don't heal enough in missions, then nobody will use them, chosing instead to use their turn (which is basically how long it takes a rookie to apply a medpak currently) for something more constructive.  It seems that the current system is working well, with medpaks taking roughly two uses to restore a soldier's health from half to full, and the healing not being fully permanent.  Still, the newest version has only been out for two weeks.


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Re: Medic Packs
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 08:26:40 pm »
I think medpacks should heal a percentage of damage, up to a certain maximum.  It is unrealistic for a regular soldier to heal in a couple of minutes what a hospital full of doctors takes 5 days or more.  I'd cap the heal maximum at about 70% of max HP.  Something like that would work better than the current system, though the way the system is currently set up, you can take shot and still expect your guy to be back in action for the next mission.


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Re: Medic Packs
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2008, 10:00:14 pm »
As I said in another post already I prefer % depending on the seriousness of the injuries. If someone is near death it is unrealistic to let him be healed to 70% of normal in field.
If the health bar is over 70% you should be able to heal near to 100%, above 30% maybe up to 50% of total health and below 10% of total health after beeing shot healing should have nearly no effekt, just enough to keep the soldier alive.

Maybe a more sophisticated function can be implemented.

Something like
health after med = roundup [current health + x / (total health - current health)]

where x is the actual healing factor (maybe adjusted by total health because you might want to give a soldier with higher max health more health points back - strong guy gets fit earlier or something). This way the more serious the injury the less can be done for him/her.

That is about realism. Quite uncomfortable for gameplay in late game if the armour doesn't get as nasty as the guns.  ;)