using mac version 2.2.1. just downloaded a few days ago and have been playing around.
not quite a bug: When first starting the game, it opens up in window mode and ask for name and settings. Can't select "English" in Language since it's so far down the screen with no scrollers. So I set to no language and started the game. As expected it's just filenames. So I tried to change the language and it crashed. Re-open, change language in option and play. (I think it was still filenames and have to restart the game to see text. Don't remember too well.)
bug 1: ufo theory not appearing even after crashing down and/or capturing landed ufos. Many types from Supply Ship, Harvester, Fighter, maybe except capturing Landed Scouts (I think). That bugger is hard to find. Will keep on playing till I see that I capture one then I'll let you know how it goes.
bug 2: shevaar and bloodspiders graphical bugs. (At least I think so)
At first they simply appear as the purple diamonds and the console said "R_AnimChange: No md2 model - can't set animation (stand0) (model: (null))" so I thought it's just incomplete. But then I saw their models later in the game. It could be that they are wearing different armors and one of them doesn't have model, but it just looks weird.
bug 3: don't know how it happen and maybe it's not a bug at all, but after a mission in military base (could be later), I get 1 of each equipments like assault riffle and magazine, frag grenades and all that you expect to find in one in a military base (doesn't that makes Phallanx thieves? =p ) Weirdly though, I have 3 bases then and they all have additional instead of just the base that sent the troops.
Suggestions: (Probably already suggested by others, in which this would just be a supportive comment, and some are just for my better user experience =p)
- Need to make scrollbars work. I keep trying to click and drag them but I kept forgetting they don't work.
- Arrow keys or WASD would control geoscape. Single mouse button needs help... Ctrl-Click (right click) doesn't work.
- Changing the default bind so arrow keys controls shifts and keypad arrows control the other. I am using a laptop so I don't have keypads. I have arrows and WASD. I have to rebind every time I play. Kinda tedious.
- Confirm end round. I keep hitting E when I tried to use R and well. Bad things happens. So I rebind to something else further away and not used.
- (no need to change but just a suggestion) The buy and sell is opposite than the common UFO games. Left buy, right sell. Left add scientist vice versa. Feels off. But people will learn =p
Can't think of more atm so I'll go back to playing and see what else came up. Btw, I researched everything there is and nothing else to do since there is no UFO Theory. Oh, wait, I talked about that... =p
Edit: Oh yeah I just remembered. BloodSpiders holding heavy plasma. LOL. It's like alien mini spider tanks.
Also, have to make civilians easier to be killed. As far as I know, the aliens need to shoot twice before killing a civ. Or maybe that's just a few special cases that I keep seeing....
Edit2: Need to scale down targeting computers and ECM in the plane view. They are ridiculously huge atm...
Edit3: Maybe I missed it somewhere but I don't see any of them. Where is the bases management screen? I mean like how many storage space used, how many living space still available, monetary stuff, lab power, power usage, radar range, etc. I mean at least a window that would show all that at once would be great.