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Author Topic: Release 2.2 discussion  (Read 11532 times)

Offline qubodup

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Release 2.2 discussion
« on: January 13, 2008, 07:20:04 am »
So you got a new release, eh? So what? Wanna fight about it?

Let me put it this way: UFO:AI 2.2 is friggin' AWESOME!

See how it went for me: (This is what was in my brain at time of play, sorry for being so boring ^^

Installing game... Starting game...
  • Ok, so I downloaded 2.1 yesterday and found it pretty unadventurous compared to one year ago, this better be good...
  • Oh, they force/require to enter the name at the start! No Idea what that's good for, but at least now people are going to write their names.
  • Ah, language selection at the start, very good for the unfortunate mono-tongues out there who want to enjoy a nice game too!
  • Tooltips! Very usefull, concidering the unintuitive key configs of the x-com series (and consequently ufoai it seems)
Let's go to options...
  • Drop down menus! Much better than stupid clicking! And they drop down at mouse over too! cool!
  • Isometric mode? That must look ugly..
  • Alternative HUD? Let's check that out.
  • Centre view... Tooltips... 3D View!?! Allright!!
Let's start a game then...
  • Huh? Max. civilian deaths? Did they have that in xcom too? Well, more cash is better than little cash, right? Super easy it is!*presses start*
  • Meh, not-pretty text. So they mention terror, eh? "of the late 20th" sounds strange, "100 years" ago would be better I think
It starts...
  • So... why is the globe black? Haven't they figured out how to uv map it without making it ugly? well, whatever might be a problem with my system. And a ball is much better than this boring, static thingey they had before. Could use some moon/sun rotating (I know, the earth rotates, but The view is fixed after all) and stars!
  • *builds HQ* oh, so the base still looks this way... they should consider 3d maps instead of these not-very identifiable bitmaps.
  • *goes to hiring* so they removed the scientist's states, that's good, confused me a little back then. *tries to employ all scientists* what? not enough living quarters? Ah, so it's becoming a more mature game, eh? well, let's build some.
  • *goes to research* what? not enough research stations? Well, let's build some... Not enough cash? This is getting serious! ^^ Ima go dump some equipment then..
  • Cool machine gun! Micro shotgun? Googles, cool! But why are pistols etc. close combat weapons??
  • *goes to hiring soldiers* So no more supermen/women? Allright, let's see... *collects a squad of 8*
  • *at aircraft* Equipt aircraft? What's that? *click* no waai! Thay have that implemented already?! neato
Oooh, first mission!
  • Nice map... but so biiiig. IIRC, the maps were always small in the beginning/at easy play level
  • Huh? Middle mouse click is not 'look this way' any more? dang!
  • crouching still is so slooooow
  • one of my soliders has near-zero hp, why didn't I get some info that she was shot?,...
  • this alternate gui is awesome!
  • lol, If I select a solider that stands, and then one that crouches, the standing figure will do the stand-to-crouch animation ^^
  • Ok, killed an alien, aimig is strange...
  • huh? Why can't I pick up an ammo type twice?
  • ?!?!?! Who is Phillip Cage? Why Will he be selected, even though I have him not in my team, if I stand over an alien corpse and try to pick up a plasma pistol? whaaat? ^^
  • damn, this map is huge
  • can't soliders jump down roofs? hm, 't be cool if they did that jagge alliance 2 thingey.
  • I aimed with the grenade launcher three fields in front of me, why did the grenade explode in my face?
  • and why can the aliens attack with the blades at a distance of two/three fields?...
  • nice footsteps, very subtle...
  • hehe, seeing what the units do in the window to the right is very informative, now I have something to look at while waiting for them to finish the movement
  • What is missing now is *hearing* the enemy...
  • Mission won, allright!
Back to base!
  • Hey, the winning music keeps playing... cool track!
  • It's still playing. oh well.
  • cool! I can zoom in and out the globe! but the ship stays the same size...
  • I have to *research* kera blade? come on!... well maybe it' won't take long
  • disassembling? Will this give me back cash or what... hm, I expected it to be reverse engineering... to support the scientists... by destroying one item of that kind...

PS: Me made screenies -

PPS: Seriously, there is this map, and no sight of my plane -_- random map-making problem?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2008, 07:51:03 am by qubodup »

Offline Bonegnasher

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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2008, 08:48:09 pm »
Is anyone else having problems with framerates (fps) on battle maps in 2.2? I get 75 fps (my refresh rate) in Geoscape, and less than three fps on the tactical map. Ihave a dual core with 8600GTvid card, so equipment shouldn't be the problem. I've tried dropping resolution, etc., with no appreciable change.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2008, 11:47:42 pm »
try to use only one core (search the forum for low fps problems with multicore to get more information)


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 01:42:51 am »
Hey folks, nice game so far.  8)

I've encountered some gameplay problems as well as a possible bug.

I played on very easy. What destroyed my day was the fact that even though I did not even research much my globe radar is nearly permanently swarmed by ufos. And every time I start my dropship to a mission there is a high possibility that it will be intercepted. And if intercepted it is ->always<- downed!!! Very bad for gaming moral.  >:(
Same goes with my Stiletto Interceptor. The scout is alway too fast for it and flees at the exact same speed of the stiletto and the other ufos beat the cr*p out of it every time. Is it good for anything anyway? It certainly does not look like air superiority but it looses every single battle on very easy. ;D

Tactical missions work fine though I'm afraid this 60 civilians cap will break my neck because sometimes it is impossible to protect every civilian. And if I use the IR googles switch (headgear) on a night mission nothing happens even though I equipped them.  I wear my sunglasses at night... 8)


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2008, 11:46:40 pm »
Let me put it this way: UFO:AI 2.2 is friggin' AWESOME! .

Agreed! Big thanks to all you developers!


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2008, 11:52:38 pm »
Hello! :)

Thanks guys for the awesome 2.2 in the name of linux-user gamers :)

Some little problems & one solution:

- The linux version crashes without, even if you have A symbolic link from the existing version (for me, the .so.3) solves this.
- In the game: I wanted to equip my dropship team, but I found out they have yet equipped themselves. It's cool! :), but: WHY holds a soldier two knives, one in holster, one in backpack?!  :)
- Why drops a soldier all his equipment when I unassign him/her from a ship? It's not a big thing, but I like equipping them with the weapons they are best with, not for all the same things, and it's a bit bothersome to do it again and again.
- And of course:

And every time I start my dropship to a mission there is a high possibility that it will be intercepted. And if intercepted it is ->always<- downed!!! Very bad for gaming moral.  >:(

... the same here. I don't even know how to intercept... I mean, can I control my ship in any way (as for example, the following distance in ufo1-2)? Or can it win without my control? :S

Thanks, and keep up the good work! :)


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2008, 01:53:53 am »
And two more things.
- How to defend a base with these base-defender facilities? I bought weapons, but they don't work. Need I ammo for they too? Then why can't I buy it?
- Why can't I buy armor, weapons, items and ammo for the aircrafts? An ufo shot down my stiletto, and then when I've finally produced a new one, it stands naked in the front of the aliens without armor and all. :>


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2008, 10:37:44 pm »
I think it is not implemented yet to shoot ufos with missile batteries. I had a missile launcher equiped and ready. I also saw "Phalanx HQ" as a interception option but the button did not do anything. The missiles left for the battery can bee seen in the equipment menu of that building (just click on the building in base overview).


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2008, 10:46:08 pm »
Oh this works fine .... jut thr range of all your weapons is quite low .... but it is a save way to shot it down .... but of course you might have to wait a long time till thr ufo gets close enough to your base.


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2008, 12:35:10 am »
Oh this works fine .... jut thr range of all your weapons is quite low .... but it is a save way to shot it down .... but of course you might have to wait a long time till thr ufo gets close enough to your base.

Whoa! I shot down my first UFO today! (with the base defense system of course - I haven't interceptors yet ;)
This game ROCKS! :)

Offline kracken

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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2008, 09:38:22 am »
I think it is not implemented yet to shoot ufos with missile batteries.

It is implemented, but the missile range is smaller than base radar range (missile range is about the same than aircraft radar range). So the UFO must be close to the base to get shot.

Offline Wh1sper

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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2008, 12:47:44 am »
I think, I have found some bugs.
When I build a hospital it is still displayed grey in menu but when I try to build one, the counter shows one
For transfer from homebase to base 2 there is a  quarters in base 2 ready, but the transfer dialog thinks not.
My dropship was gone to homebase, but there is no ship anymore, on some screen there count it as one but for i.e. attack ufo  the screen says: no ship in base.
quarters issue
Dropship issue
Dropship issue
Savegame for verifiing[subpage]=downloadmanager&thiscat=8&file=42

But  8) this project is absolutly outstanding. Heads up!
Some  commercial UFO games had more bugs :)

Offline eleazar

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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2008, 04:50:04 am »
I just finished as much as there is, and I very much enjoyed it.

--always wanted to play X-com


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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2008, 04:36:22 pm »
Just downloaded, it's looking good so far. However,

--The player ends up expanding very fast (on standard difficulty level). If you don't build dozens of bases, you end up after a few game months with more cash than you can store. You also tend not to have enough personnel, but then, since a storage room doesn't allow you to store that much, I may end up with a few storage bases.

--Base missiles don't seem to ever use their ammo. They need it to fire, but don't actually consume it.

--Line of fire/line of sight seems messed up. If I can see someone, I ought to be able to shoot them. After all, the barrel is raised more or less to eye level when firing (unless firing from the hip, of course).

--Reaction fire sometimes doesn't trigger when it should. Very annoying. I've read in the FAQ that is will be changed to be "like in X-COM", but since I haven't actually played X-COM I'm not 100% sure what this entail. I think X-COM allowed you to 'reserve' TUs in order to interrupt the AI's turn? Personally, I actually prefer the current system of watching out and then using next turn's TUs for opportunity fire, but I'd like it to be more reliable, so that my characters can be counted upon to return fire and/or cover an area when they're set to RF.

--The battles are somewhat static and it's somewhat hard to get the feel of a fast-paced firefight. The characters are always walking, and movement has no effect upon accuracy--there's no incentive to stay put and steady your aim, nor is it harder to hit running targets. I'd like a run/walk toggle, the ability to lie down fully (should be useful/highgly recommended for snipers/MGs), and movement of both target and shooter being taken into account for accuracy. Oh, and if you could bring me some pomegranates that'd be grand ;) . I must confess that my reference being ALTAR's UFO series rather than X-COM, I'm more used to the dynamism of real-time (and I must add that ALTAR did a good job of making it at least as easy to control as turns, in fact IMO their UFOs make controlling your squad easier and more flexible than yours--no offence meant, of course).

--It says in the FAQ that an attempt was made to fix a bug with accuracy probabilities for v. 2.2. I must regretfully inform you that this attempt seems to have failed.

--I seem to lose any equipment that was abandoned on the ground when a mission ends. Again, I must refer to ALTAR's UFO series where, firstly, the mission did not automatically end when the last enemy dropped (you could continue to roam the map if you wanted to) and, secondly, all equipment on the ground (loot dropped by enemies, empty guns abandoned by your soldiers, equipment of unconscious troops, etc) was automatically picked up and brought back to base.

--Finally, it may be eye-candy but it would be nice if soldiers (and workers, scientists, etc) had names (and appearances) which matched their country of origin. Also, it may just be me but I tend to end up with almost only female troops. Not that I mind. And I'll have you know that I definately wasn't drooling.

Was this even the right thread/forum?

Offline Mattn

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Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2008, 04:14:31 pm »
I think, I have found some bugs.
When I build a hospital it is still displayed grey in menu but when I try to build one, the counter shows one

Do you have medics?