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Author Topic: Can't Select UFO Hangar in 2.2 build 12879 (2007-11-16)  (Read 2018 times)


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Can't Select UFO Hangar in 2.2 build 12879 (2007-11-16)
« on: December 04, 2007, 02:31:12 pm »
I know I'm a few builds behind, but I'm addicted to seeing where the game goes. :)

Basically, if I shoot down and capture a UFO, I should be given the option of which base to send it to if more than one base can manage it, right?  But if, say, PHALANX HQ, Base Alpha, and Base Beta all have the facilities to handle it, I am given only one place to send the newly-captured UFO to: PHALANX HQBase AlphaBase Beta.  That one option can be highlighted by moving the mouse over it; I've been clicking "Transfer", but I have no idea where the craft I've just captured is going to end up.


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Re: Can't Select UFO Hangar in 2.2 build 12879 (2007-11-16)
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 03:27:53 pm »
this is maybe fixed in a later revision already - depends on which rev you are using atm