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Author Topic: Feature Req.: Starting Base Location Effects  (Read 2864 times)

Offline shaft350x

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Feature Req.: Starting Base Location Effects
« on: October 16, 2007, 11:10:20 pm »
Hi, I just joined the forums, I've been playing a little bit of 2.1.1 (mostly because I don't want to spend 6 hours compiling maps and stuff).  So this is also my first post.

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but after reading about the different groups on earth in the storyline, it really got me thinking about the location of bases.  Mostly I was thinking that it would be neat to have the location of bases effect certain aspects of how the game starts out.

For instance, game-lore says that United America is making a come back through NASA, so if there is a base located in UA all ships are 50% more fuel efficient and/or 50% faster (etc.), but troops are fewer and less well equipped, and research is slower.  If a base is placed in the Asian Republic troops start out more highly trained with better equipment, but costs are 50% higher because of buereaucracy.  If started in New Africa everything starts off lower, but you have more soldiers to start with and their advancement is quicker. 

Perhaps even have the first base established in different locations based on difficulty.

As more bases are created the advantages are gained and the disadvantages are covered from the gains of placements on other continents.  Obviously having a base would greatly increase favor with that country while not having one in an area would make that country/power a lot less likely to fund PHALANX as well.

Sorry if this has already been suggested/discussed/implemented/etc.  as I said I'm new and I did do a quick search.


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Re: Feature Req.: Starting Base Location Effects
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 04:36:38 pm »
I can see no point in the relationship of first base location and strength/weaknesses. If a set of strength/weaknesses could be chose by the player (lets call it his/her alignment), then let them choose it independent as the effect of location and alignment is totally orthogonal.

I can see a point in the relationship of a base location and base strength/weaknesses for these effects then would affect only the local base. This would reward players to build more bases and cover more of earth.

Offline shaft350x

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Re: Feature Req.: Starting Base Location Effects
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 07:50:29 pm »
It has more to do with your second point, of rewarding players to cover more of the earth.

Also I just thought it would be a neat idea to tie into more of the storyline.  Though maybe I'm just a rare geek that actually reads through all of the storyline.