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Author Topic: How can I install UFO?  (Read 12372 times)


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How can I install UFO?
« on: March 08, 2006, 12:55:43 pm »
Here's how I installed UFO on my GNU/Linux x86:

  • get the sources and the data from SVN
Code: [Select]
mkdir ufoai
cd ufoai
svn co
cd trunk

* compile the source
Code: [Select]
cd src
make lang
cd ..

  • compile the maps
Code: [Select]
cd base/maps/
cd ..

  • finally link the binaries and shared objects to root dir
Code: [Select]
ln -s src/debugi386/
ln -s src/debugi386/
ln -s src/debugi386/ufo
ln -s src/debugi386/ufoded
ln -s src/debugi386/ base/

  • play!
Code: [Select]

EDIT: Use the "trunk" directory for checkout. It's alot faster/easier that way.

Offline BTAxis

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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 05:55:56 pm »
Windows users: The source has been successfully built for Win32 (although not by me personally). The source will compile in Microsoft Visual Studio .net 2005.


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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2006, 06:05:25 pm »
[S|G] mentioned here that the svn command needs to be like this:
Code: [Select]
svn co


Code: [Select]
svn co

or simply...
Code: [Select]
svn co trunk
...for everything at once.


Offline Mattn

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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2006, 05:06:59 pm »
there is an update on this:
you don`t need to grab the base archive anymore.

everything is in svn now.

but you have to compile the maps, too (this step will need a few hours to finish)
just call the (need perl installed) by typing perl (for windows - use active state - linux type only ./ in base/maps.
this will call the qbsp3 and qrad3 command which can be found in src/tools
^^when they are not compiled right now, type make in this dir (for windows, you can grab them from the files section of our project site - they are included in the tools-archive)


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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 02:13:33 pm »
To compile the maps, should we use or the Makefile?

btw. I've updated this FAQ to meet the latest SVN changes.


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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2006, 02:23:44 pm »
Quote from: "atomisirsi"
To compile the maps, should we use or the Makefile?

Since i doubt the script was updated recently i would say just ignore it. I suspect the perl-script was there before somebody made the makefile ... just to quote the comment in the script itself:
Code: [Select]
# If you have a "make" program installed, you're likely to prefer the
# Makefile to this script, which cannot run jobs in parallel, is not
# able to rebuild only the maps that changed since last time you
# built, and does not handle the case when qrad3 gets interrupted
# mid-way.

EDIT: I've updated your first post as well.



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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2006, 09:46:39 pm »
In the first post,

svn co

is the correct SVN path (one /ufoai is missing).


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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 10:46:04 pm »
I added a Debian Wiki subpage for the compilation/installation process on Debian and Debian-based systems.

Hope this helps anyone.

btw. When compiling maps and not installing the game yet, usually no ufo2map executable is found in path, so I prefer doing
$ cd ../base/maps
$ PATH=$PATH:../../debugi386/ make

Before making. I mentioned this in wiki.

Offline Bandobras

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How can I install UFO?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2006, 12:50:51 am »
> finally link the binaries and shared objects to root dir

This step seems to be done automatically in the latest SVN. Anyway, I've done a fresh compile on Debian GNU/Linux and the game runs without any manual copying.

P.S. Thanks for the PATH=... tip!